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Powdered milk: is it different?

Do you think that powdered milk is the same as that of a lifetime? We are sorry to tell you that the first one has a difference that the...

Peanut butter: healthy or harmful?

It is becoming more and more common to hear the supposed benefits of peanut butter. Movements such as realfood or the rise of fitness have led...

Danone's Yopro: expensive posture

Is it worth taking Yopro from Danone? Sports supplementation is becoming more and more the order of the day. The most methodical conceive it...

Probiotics: the infusion revolution

The first infusions with probiotics in Spain arrive on the market. Get ready because you haven't seen anything yet. The world of food changes to...

Fraud in «Mediterranean» products

What is happening with products advertised as "Mediterranean"? Do they have something to do with the traditional diet of this region of the world? Discover that...

Beef tenderloin: its benefits

What does beef tenderloin contribute to your health? They have been pouring rivers of ink since the Spanish Minister of Consumer Affairs publicly attacked...

The rye bread that sweeps Mercadona

Have you heard of rye bread? If you have not done it, it is likely that it will not take long to do so. There are more and more...

Amino acids in lentils with rice

Why are amino acids important when eating lentils? There is a possibility that you will not absorb all the proteins in this...

Potato omelette: bad for your health?

How can potato omelette harm your health? It is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic dishes of the...

Keto wine?

Can keto wine exist without carbs or sugar? We already referred on a previous occasion to the keto diet. In this article we explained why...