Home Sea Properties and benefits of salmon

Properties and benefits of salmon

El salmon It is one of the healthiest foods and, although it is also a product that is usually expensive, including it in your diet is a a. Because it is an excellent source of essential nutrients. Those that favor all kinds of functions in your body. Find out what the properties and benefits of salmon To consume it in moderation, without ruining your pocket.

In addition, the different formats in which it is sold allow you to use it both fresh as smoked and even can. That's right, since last 2018, popular supermarkets like Mercadona They brought out this latest novelty. Therefore, you can add this fish to your healthy dishes in many ways, beyond cooking it on the grill.

These are the properties and benefits of salmon

With his great contribution of proteins and essential fatty acids for your body, the salmon it has earned its reputation through so much more. Contains minerals (calcium, iodine, selenium and magnesium, among others) or vitamins A, D, B12 and B6. All these properties so important for a healthy life make it a complete fish that has many benefits for your health.


- The high content of omega-3 facilitates the blood circulation and improve the functioning of your heart, reducing possible heart attacks. In addition, it participates in tissue repair, strengthens the arteries and lowers their pressure. In the same way, fight the joint pain and inflammation and it even prevents cognitive problems.

- Your contribution of protein with a high biological value of 18% allows you to obtain benefits in the cardiovascular system and your eye health. It also keeps your bones or the thyroid gland strong. All this thanks also to the assorted vitamins who owns, as well as the iodo. This is a key mineral that is scarce in food, but this blue fish can provide it.

With all the properties and benefits of salmon you manage to reduce the chances of suffering diabetes, obesity, or hypertension. Your cholesterol level will be well controlled, as will that of fat in the blood.

Take advantage of these advantages of salmon either in sandwiches, salads or combined dishes with potatoes or rice!
