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Tag: omega-3

Omega 3 and omega 6: what is the ideal balance?

Surely you have heard of omega 3 and even 6. However, how many omega fats are there? Do you have to strike a balance between...

Chia seeds: are they what you think?

It is happening to us that lately we do not stop hearing the name of this food everywhere. We find it in the letters of the...

"Seaspiracy": how to replace fish?

Have you seen "Seaspiracy" and have you lost the desire to eat fish? The denunciation documentary premiered on Netflix has had an impact...

Best dishes with sardines, do not miss them

Discover the best sardine dishes. In this article we take a tour of some of the Asturian restaurants where you can try this delicious fish...

The superpowers of omega 3, goodbye to migraines?

Omega 3 fatty acids are a type of healthy polyunsaturated fat for all of us. We need them, for example, to strengthen neurons or...

Flora Omega 3, the care based on algae

Flora Omega 3 is Pascual's new bet for cardiovascular care. Its nutritional properties of plant origin surprise. Get to know it!
the properties and benefits of salmon

Properties and benefits of salmon

This is one of the healthiest foods out there. For the multitude of properties and benefits of salmon, know everything it contributes to your healthy life.