Home News Does Carlos Ríos scam with his defendants?

Does Carlos Ríos scam with his defendants?

What's up with Carlos Rios that we only know about him when there is controversy? Has his attitude towards children changed? processed? Let's look at the different criticisms ranging from nutrition to accusations of sectarianism. Get ready!

What has he done this time?

The famous nutritionist and popularizer has been the subject of controversy one more time. The reason?: the launch of a extra virgin olive oil to spread. However, this is not it. That is, it is a food indicted that only contains a 75% of EVOO. But... Why does he market what he criticized so much?

The truth is that the figure of Ríos has undergone an important evolution since he began to spread. His most basic premise was to avoid at all costs the processed foods that they don't give us nutritional value. In this way we will greatly improve our health. However, he did not turn down a treat like a scone, for example, from time to time. The key is to maintain healthy habits.

However, he later began to market his own food. Some like him gazpacho or guacamole They were very well received. I mean, they are very healthy. However, others suffered brutal criticism. Of these we highlight the cocoa cream, with a very high content of sugar. This could be considered the turning point that pitted his followers against the nutrition community.

What do nutritionists think?

Many have accused Carlos Ríos of creating a digital community with sectarian methods. experts like Antonio Rodriguez Estrada, founder of sinazucar.org, They assure that "the Carlos Ríos of 2018 would boycott his own products." Thus, the main critics assure that he takes advantage of his followers through techniques of marketing while promoting unhealthy habits.

Cocoa cream from Carlos Ríos/ Source: realfooding.com

For example, its infamous cocoa paste is not the same as Nutella. The one from Ríos has extra virgin olive oil instead of Palm oil. Plus, it's sweetened with dates instead of sugar. However, it still belongs to the food group processed. As healthy as its ingredients are, they still contain sugar levels that are too high for what he defends.

Changing an industrial product for another industrial product with more natural ingredients is not a solution either. This is the main complaint OCU, which accuses him of using terms like "home" very lightly as complaint. In this way, you create the idea in your audience that you can maintain the habit of eating, for example, pastries if it is yours. This way she is not relegated to occasional moments. Ultimately, he creates a health-conscious community and then offers them magical and easy (and expensive) recipes to skip the dietary changes he proposes.

Prosecuted and sectarianism?

To finish, we quote the science popularizer Rocio Vidal, of the Chanel Schrödinger's cat" in Youtube. The main criticism of him is his way of treating the public. He assures that he has created a group in which he prioritizes the feeling of belonging above all else and in which he is a kind of "guru". In this way, they insult with absolute toxicity those who criticize controversial products such as cocoa cream.

He also declares that he has made them feel the owners of the truth, as if they had just wake up and the others were still asleep Matrix. The latter is a worrying technique often used in radicalization processes and in sects. However, he also recognizes the seed that he has left in the public. Thanks to him, the movement of those who watch the label and they think twice about what they eat. He also taught us to accept our bodies as we change our lifestyle to a healthier one. Be that as it may, Carlos Ríos will continue to be a controversial figure.

