Home Fruits and vegetables Benefits of red beets

Benefits of red beets

This is one of the sweeter vegetables that exist, that contribute Energy and numerous other nutrients within the Mediterranean diet. Thus, red beet benefits are varied, especially if it is consumed roasted or raw. It preserves its properties almost intact so that you can take advantage of them at every meal. Do you want to discover what they are and everything they bring you? Keep reading!

But first you must know that what is consumed is the root or low stem that is born from the plant of the beet (betavulgaris). Native to the European and western Mediterranean areas, since prehistoric times it has been eaten both its leaves and its most underground part. Owns a thin skin, whose color is usually from purple or pinkish to orange or brown, covered in dense pulp.

Six benefits of red beets

With these characteristics, this root that occurs in France and Italy, above all, it has large amount of sugars, hence its extreme sweetness. To who SpainIt is typical to collect it both in winter (north of the peninsula, center and Levante) and in summer (Andalusia).

All this so that you can use their We take care of your rental property in Valencia. : vitamins C and B, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and iodine. In addition, it contains hardly any calories with only 41 per 100 grams. Therefore, red beet benefits are the following:

- Anti-cancer power, since betanin (red pigment that gives it color) is a flavonoid that helps to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors.

- Diuretic benefits, as potassium and other nitrates of natural origin help control high blood pressure. In addition, beets alleviate fluid retention and help eliminate toxins.

- Fight osteoporosis or brittle bones, thanks to the silicon content. This mineral makes it easier for your body to use calcium efficiently.

- Helps control diabetes, as its low glycemic index improves the release of sugar in the blood. On the other hand, it has hardly any fat and since it tastes so sweet it can act as a substitute for other foods.

- Improves liver, kidney and intestinal functions with its purifying properties. Likewise, it is a perfect laxative against constipation.

- Finally, the contribution of iodine allows the regulation of the gland thyroid. 

In general, you can enjoy all of these red beet benefits consuming it in salads (raw) or after going through a baked or boiled. Add this ideal complement to your healthy diet now!
