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Tag: blue fish

Best dishes with sardines, do not miss them

Discover the best sardine dishes. In this article we take a tour of some of the Asturian restaurants where you can try this delicious fish...

Improving defenses in children: back to school!

Helps the immune system be in tip-top shape to return to classrooms in the time of coronavirus. How to improve defenses in children?
eat sardines good and bad cholesterol

Good year to eat sardines, why?

With the high temperatures and the proliferation of phytoplankton in the sea, the time for this little delicacy arrives. Discover the benefits of eating sardines.

They create four foods with blue fish

The Institute of Agro-Food Research and Technology has used the catches of blue fish from the Costa Brava for sausages, hummus, pâté and broth.
the properties and benefits of salmon

Properties and benefits of salmon

This is one of the healthiest foods out there. For the multitude of properties and benefits of salmon, know everything it contributes to your healthy life.

Fish in your diet and its relevance

In this article for Grandesproductos.com Fedepesca explains the types of fish and shellfish as well as their main differences.