Home News Some measures to save the hospitality industry

Some measures to save the hospitality industry

The measures to save the hospitality industry they are a headache for those who implement them. We have a largely unknown virus, and we also don't know which solution will do the least damage. It is impossible to balance health and the economy without one of us losing something. That is why more and more alternatives are needed than avoid risks to people and business losses. Discover some of those that are being carried out or the initiatives that are being studied to avoid a wave of closures. 


This topic is not a joke. The hostelry has considerable weight in a country with little industry as is ours. For this reason, we are more vulnerable to the ups and downs that affect tourism than other European neighbors. In fact, in Spain this sector represents a 6% of GDP. Unfortunately, the measures to contain the pandemic have led to the destruction of 271.000 jobs in the month of October.

Restaurants and bars
Separate tables in a restaurant

It is true that there are voices that deny that many infections of coronavirus take place in the hospitality industry. However, what most agree on is that these are produced by aerosol sprays. But what exactly are these aerosols that the press talks about so much? Is about small drops of saliva that remain floating in the air for hours. They are expelled when you cough, sneeze, or even breathe! That is why new political decisions related to this consensus are being made. An example is found in Madrid.

Measures to save the hotel industry in Madrid

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, raised the obligation to CO2 meters in bars and restaurants. These serve to indicate from which concentration it is convenient to ventilate urgently. The level of carbon dioxide in the outdoor air is 400 ppm (parts per million). Therefore, indoors a range between 500 y 700 ppm. So when you reach the 800 it would be necessary to ventilate. 

Importance of ventilation
Importance of ventilation / Source: @FAC_USO on Twitter

This proposal is in line with the Health recommendations already existing. The ministry advises constant ventilation and outdoor activities to reduce infections. That is why the regional executive is also studying other measures in this line. For example, the installation of purifying filters of air although natural ventilation is a priority.

Another measure would be to make the reservation in restoration mandatory to keep a contact number and facilitate the tracking of cases. They also shuffle a good practice label. Another curious proposal is to limit the music volume so that diners are not forced to raise their voices. This way it would not increase the CO2 concentration in the air. 

Coronavirus aerosols
The coronavirus is transmitted through aerosols / Source: Pixabay

Other initiatives

In the city of Vigo (Pontevedra) there are five covid consultants that go through the bars and restaurants. The Provincial Federation of Hospitality of Pontevedra is interested in continuing its economic activity. That is why it is in your interest that the standards are met. Thus, the consultants give suggestions to each local about oversights and mistakes that they can correct.

In the city of Málaga a preventive approach has been given to the situation. For starters, the milder climate than in the north encourages people to drink their beer on the outdoor terrace. On the other hand the town hall and Aehcos employers y Mahos have reached an agreement to carry out screening. The first is already being carried out with a sample of 400 people. The key is to detect workers who fall ill before winter in order to save Christmas.

Poster demanding measures to save the hotel industry / Source: @centrohismalaga on Twitter

However, the signatories of this alliance did not have the last decision of the Junta de Andalucía. President John Manuel Moreno decreed last Sunday the closure of non-essential businesses at six in the afternoon. The outrage has not been long in coming. The president of the Andalusian Federation of Hospitality Businessmen (Horeca), Francisco de la Torre, ruled on the matter. He declared that the executive should guarantee the survival of the sector. It should do so "both with adequate measures adapted to the current situation and with financial aid of which Horeca has no news".


Many are the unknowns and the uncertainty is constant. What most politicians and businessmen agree on is "Save Christmas". These words, which seem to be taken from the antithesis of the Grinch, are becoming more and more frequent. The objective is avoid home confinement at Christmas that supposes the loss of all the income that these dates suppose. 

Protesters who demand measures to save the hotel industry in Gijón / Source: @ 404comunicacion on Twitter

To weather this setback it seems that the general trend is ventilation y avoid closed spaces. In this way, municipalities such as that of Torrelodones They will make it easy for hoteliers. This will exempt the restoration of terrace tax en all of 2021. It is not the only locality, since terrace y A Coruña also opted for the same route. As we adapt, more measures to save the hospitality industry. 
