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Label: sustainability

Microalgae as a substitute for meat

What are microalgae and why do we need them on a planet with a growing population? Let's check the benefits of a product that...

Martini is already 100% sustainable

What happened to Martini? Discover how he has managed to become sustainable after more than thirty years. What does this mean for the company? Let's go...

Tita Rivera presents Respect!

La Tita Rivera presents Respect!, the house's two new beers that have been created with sustainability in mind. The project is...

Lidl and Global GAP as guarantors of biodiversity?

The new certification in biodiversity for fruit and vegetable products comes to Lidl thanks to GLOBAL GAP This system seeks to improve the management of...

The edible spoon is already a reality

Plastic has become a very important problem for the health of our planet. More and more movements are seeking...

Laying hens: this is why they remain caged

Why are there still 30 million caged laying hens in Spain? Overcrowded conditions not only imply animal suffering but also the...

Heinz: 100% sustainable ketchup by 2025

The Heinz sauce brand is committed to sustainable agriculture. By what techniques do you intend to achieve a fully sustainable ketchup by 2025? What kind...

After the organic product

Sustainability is one of the most important drivers of change in food and gastronomy. The use of the term is extended but the consumer needs to understand what is behind it all.

Plant Based: Endangered by War?

Every day more people join the Plant Based type diet. However, the current conflict between Russia and...

Estrella Galicia circular breweries: what are they?

Sustainability is an increasingly relevant concept in today's world. In addition, many companies are interested in improving their image through practices...