Home Oils and vinegars What is the best oil for frying and keys

What is the best oil for frying and keys

A culinary preparation as classic as frying needs and deserves a review to understand if we use the best raw material for it. Although the fat do notoriety, these are necessary for our body, as they provide us Vitamins and they have an important role in hormonal system. For all this, we must be aware of what type is convenient for us and have a fair consumption. Knowing its nature, the pros and cons it offers is important. We'll see what is the best oil for frying along with some tips.

Saturated and unsaturated fats

We can divide fats into two large groups: saturated and unsaturated. The former come mainly from animal origin and the latter are basically from vegetables and seeds.

For fry the healthier are all unsaturated fats, which include polyunsaturated as monounsaturated. In reality, most oils have monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fats in their composition in different proportions. Although one type more than another predominates in each oil.

By the nature of vegetable oils, These are the more recommended for our feeding. For this reason, they are the most advisable to fry and use in the more usually. This does not mean that you cannot use butters or animal fats but we must be prudent in the quantity and assiduity with which we use these ingredients.

US tariffs for olive oil
Olive oil

What happens when we fry?

It is important to know that when an oil is heated it undergoes molecular changes reaching oxidation. At this point, aldehydes and peroxides harmful to our health are produced. This process, visually, we appreciate it when smoke is formed. Each type of oil has a certain smoke point. In the case of the more polyunsaturated oils, the smoke point is lower than that of the monounsaturated ones and this is a weak point for them.

Repetitive use of oil in the kitchen, even if it has not smoked, it deteriorates in the same way its molecules and is harmful to health. The same oil should not be used continuously. In conclusion, the type of oil we use and temperature frying is very important.

olive oil
Olive oil in a jar

What is the best oil for frying?

How can we see the Better option to use an oil in the kitchen will be whatever unsaturated and let it be stable y hold the temperature without altering its nature. We can establish this temperature in oils that do not undergo substantial changes in 180º. Polyunsaturated oils such as soy, corn and sesame are not stable enough at this temperature, for this reason they are not as advisable for frying.

However, unsaturated oils such as sunflower refined high oleic, that of avocadoThat of almondThat of coco and olive oil better meet these criteria. In the case of olive oil is definitely the best choice, although we must bear in mind that those that are more stable in relation to temperature are those that have a lower acidity.

We must also emphasize that extra virgin olive oils resist temperature worse and degrade earlier than pomace oil, since they are more sensitive. Therefore, we can say that pomace oil with low acidity It is a great option, as well as being cheaper than extra virgin olive oil. We must reserve the AOVE to enjoy them raw.

What is the best oil for frying
Frying pan

Other options

Lately in international gastronomy the use of coconut oil to fry. It is a temperature resistant oil and, although it has many saturated fats, these are short chain and less harmful. The fact that you have lauric acid makes it more temperature stable and some find it very interesting for frying. Although the greatest experts continue to bet on olive oil as the best option.

Another good option is refined high oleic sunflower, Since it resists temperature, it is an unsaturated fat and its flavor is more neutral than that of olive. He too avocado oil It is a very good option since it resists high frying temperatures very well and is healthy, although its price is high.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

Recommendations for frying

Fry It is an elaboration that is not simple, so to make a good frying we must know its enemy well and the main enemy of oil is the temperature. To be respectful with this aspect we must not alter it excessively or suddenly, so for this we must introduce food gradually.

If we use electric fryers It is important not to turn them on and off continuously, if you use it in a short period of time keep the fryer on at a lower temperature. In the case of using pans, do it with materials that raise the temperature gradually. The steel it is one of the best options.

Try seasoning food out of the pan, since in this way it does not alter the nature of the oil. Finally, remember to use the best oil for frying and be aware of its condition. Visually the smoke, foam or color change they are signs that the oil has gone bad.
