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Label: sustainability

Traceable: guide from the origin to your table

Do you know Traceable? It offers you all the necessary information about food products. In other words, it helps you to know the entire production chain of...

The importance of quality and sustainability

We reflect and give our opinion about quality and sustainability in food and gastronomy

Preserve vegetables and fruits twice as long!

Keeping vegetables or fruits in our fridge for longer is the dream of anyone who wants to save time and money. Naturpod, a technology...

What will the food of the future be like?

The report on the food of the future, Fooduristic 22, has already been released. It shows great concern about the future of...

Octopus farming: forward or backward?

Octopus farming is controversial. While some see this practice as a great opportunity, others envision a dark future for both cephalopods...

Conscientious consumers in Spain: what are they looking for?

Spain is a country full of consumers who are aware of the environment. A lot has changed since that time when recycling meant being...

Philanthropic, have a social coffee

Philanthropic, a 100% social company, committed to social welfare and the environment. Philanthropy is the tendency to seek the good of...

Gastronomy, science and sustainability

Congresses such as the Science and Cooking World Congress and the I Circular Economy and Restaurants Congress are these days in Barcelona addressing the issues of gastronomy and sustainability, circular economy and how science can help in it.

Wooden knife, sharp and sustainable

The wooden knife arrives to surprise us all. We are talking about an invention capable of changing the gastronomic scene forever, just as...

Impact of food waste: the need for more consumption...

The planet evolves, changes. And, at the same time, so does the way of understanding our role in it. The latter is obvious...