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Spanish favorite beer

Discover the country's favorite beer! Its large number of variants and its flavor are a claim both for the Spanish population and for...

This is the first non-alcoholic IPA in a wooden barrel

How is the new non-alcoholic IPA preserved in wooden barrels? Discover its peculiar secrets. Why is such a preservation method...

Get free beer in England

Why is Budweiser giving away beer and what does this have to do with women's soccer? Discover the paradigm shift that has only just...

The mountains of Madrid and its organic beer

The municipality of Becerril de la Sierra, in the Sierra de Madrid, has the only beer with an organic certificate from the European Union...

Tita Rivera presents Respect!

La Tita Rivera presents Respect!, the house's two new beers that have been created with sustainability in mind. The project is...

Looking at Cuenca: a beer with history

Who has never heard the phrase I'm going to make you look at Cuenca? And it is that these words of a sexual nature have...

Draft beer: why is it the best?

Draft beer is the favorite of many fans of this drink. What makes it so special? Are all the qualities that...

Butterbeer: a magical drink

What Harry Potter fan hasn't wanted to try butterbeer? Fans may not know that JK Rowling is...

Rake It Out: The Social Beer

In this article we deal with the curious craft beer brand Destraperlo. What differentiates this product from Jerez de la Frontera from the rest of...

Expired beer: can you drink it?

We all have bottles of alcohol at home that have been forgotten in the pantry because their only purpose is to fill the glasses with...