Home News Foods with more vegetable protein

Foods with more vegetable protein

La vegetal protein It's not just for people on a vegan or vegetarian diet. It is a great option for anyone. And we are going to tell you why. We can find it in dozens of foods. And no, not all of them are rare or little known. Among them we find legumes or nuts, for example. In addition, a small dose gives us a large amount of protein. But hey, we're not going to get ahead of you any further, so... Keep reading!

Importance of protein

Our body is responsible for manufacturing billions of proteins and each of them has a critical function for the body. A) Yes, "MedicinePlus» explains that proteins are made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units called amino acids. These join together to form long chains. Altogether, there are 20 types of amino acids different. In turn, these combine to form a protein. The amino acid sequence defines the unique three-dimensional structure of each protein and its specific function.

Of the 2o amino acids that exist in our body around a ten are the ones we have to ingest through the diet. Thus, they are what we know as essential amino acids. That's why the proteins are so important to us, they are, in fact vital.

Are considered essential amino acids those that we have to ingest through the diet: phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and valine - being able to include histidine, important for children along with arginine. "Straight to the palate"

Difference Between Plant and Animal Protein

The main difference between vegetal protein y animal is that animals are considered complete because they contain all the essential amino acids. The vegetables they also contain them, but distributed. That is, the lentils they are rich in Lysine and poor in methionine and  cereals just the other way around. That is why the importance of vegan diets lies in the variety to gather all the essential amino acids. It should be noted that you do not have to break the coconut. There are many foods rich in vegetable protein. Let's see some of them.

peanut butter

Cream peanut, from which We have already talked, contains some 30 grams of protein per 100 grams. Furthermore, it is a source of potassium, zinc, vitamin E and omega 3. The best option is to make it at home to avoid sugars sodium. One of the great advantages it offers us is its versatility. We can consume it in the breakfast picnic to spread toasts. Also, we can make delicious desserts with it like this cheesecake with peanut butter 

black beans

All the  black beans they are one of the vegetables that provide greater protein intake. Specific, 25 grams of protein per 100 grams And what can't we do with some beans? From a stew until a Burrito. Also known as Beans we can accompany them with rice. In this way, we include all essential amino acids in the same plate. An burrito de Beans is also an ideal choice. Also, we can include corn, rice white or integral, lettuce, tomato, etc.

dried nori seaweed

El nori seaweed contains 31 grams of protein per 100 grams. This alga is the one we see in the sushi, for example, but we can include it in any dish. We can find it in dust to add it to yogurts, smoothies, etc.


With 36 grams of protein per 100 grams, the lupins They are ideal in any diet. Also, being a natural antioxidant or with a high protein They are very versatile. Salads, snacks, sautéed, etc. What comes to mind. Doesn't it make your mouth water to think of a lupine hummus? This recipe from the Middle East has become quite popular and, accompanied by the goodness of lupins, it becomes even more attractive. In "Straight to the palate" we have How to prepare this delicious recipe.

But not only do we have peanut butter, black beans, nori seaweed lupins. Dried spirulina, soy, flour of soybeanAny dry fruit, vegetables, seeds of pumpkin, pine nuts, quinoa, etc. It is a long list of foods that contain vegetable proteins. Therefore, achieving all essential amino acids It is not as complicated as it seems.
