Home News Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet: multi-sensory

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet: multi-sensory

Can gastronomy adapt to the constant Technological advances in which the world in which we live is immersed? The answer is yes. We have the example in Shanghai, where in 2012 the French chef Paul Pairet opened Ultraviolet, multisensory restaurant in which a twist is given to the way of enjoying good food. We tell you all about this curious place.

A unique place

Upon entering Ultraviolet Its aesthetics are striking, since the client will feel as if he had moved to another world. A room with walls covered with 360º projection screens and a single table capable of accommodating ten people welcome you. A sense of simplicity it floods the space as soon as you enter, but the moment you sit down at the table everything changes. The walls begin to project all kinds of images, lights and sounds, which evoke Life y dynamism. It is at that moment when the diner will begin to experience emotions that they have not been able to experience before when visiting a restaurant.

The technological deployment goes hand in hand with each dish that is served. It's not fireworks, it's a well chosen scenery and capable of transporting the diner to places such as a cereal field, an animal meadow or the high seas. All this with images, lights and music according to what was tasted. This new modality, increasingly developed by different chefs and known as psycho taste, is a multisensory experience that perfectly combines view, ear and taste.

Ultraviolet Hall / Source: Best In Design

the way to enjoy

The intention of Ultraviolet and its creator Paul Pairet is that diners be the protagonists of a menu Composed of twenty dishes and their corresponding twenty scenarios created with the technological advances explained above. The customer can enjoy having a plate of oysters with caviar as if it were surrounded by the rough waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In turn, it is possible to taste the famous fish and chips in the gray and rainy atmosphere of London while the unforgettable songs of the British band The Beatles play in the background. And to finish, the diner can taste the truffled bread in an environment that evokes a leafy and humid forest.

It is true that after Ultraviolet, other chefs have tried to drink from Paul Pairet's proposal, as is the case of Paco Roncero. The Spanish chef opened the Sublimotion restaurant on the island of Ibiza, becoming considered the most expensive restaurant in the world. Roncero combines the proposal of the french chef adapting it to characteristics of the environment and your personal touch.

Pairet, the captain of the Ultraviolet

Behind every project there is always a captain who puts all his effort into making sure the ship reaches a safe port. Ultraviolet has it, and that's Paul Pairet.

Born in the French city of Perpignan, Paul Pairet has been a true globetrotter. He began his studies in the scientific branch, but soon discovered that his other passion was the gastronomy. He studied at a hotel school in Toulouse before taking a leap into his promising career. Later he began to travel to a considerable number of countries with the intention of discovering new culinary cultures. The French chef has always highlighted his stays in Istanbul, Hong Kong, Jakarta and Sydney.

Paul Pairet
Paul Pairet in the kitchen

It was in this Australian city, in 1996, where he began to turn combine their scientific and gastronomic studies. It is in this new path where he begins to develop the concepts that he would later shape in his restaurants, culminating in Ultraviolet.

In 2005, Pairet decides to move to Shanghai, where he opens Jade on 36, his first establishment, which earned him the recognition of the profession and the review by new techniques introduced and their avant-garde cuisine. Four years later he opens the Modern Eatery by Paul Pairet in the same city, a different concept from his own trajectory, seeking in this new establishment to approach the popularity and simplicity. And in 2012 comes Ultraviolet, his revolutionary gastronomic concept that has earned him critical acclaim and awards such as the one he was awarded in 2013 for his career at the Asia's 50 Best Restaurants. Although the trip is long, if you intend to travel to this Asian city, the Ultraviolet awaits you.


