Home News The gastronomic trends that arrive this 2024

The gastronomic trends that arrive this 2024

Exploring the food trends of 2024

In the dynamic world of gastronomy, each year brings with it new flavors and culinary experiences that become trends, and 2024 does not seem like it will be an exception. We are going to explore some of the practices that have been gradually coming together and are expected to gain strength this year.

Sustainability on the plate

It is increasingly common to find highly processed products such as pre-portioned, packaged and even frozen fruits or vegetables in supermarket aisles.

Although for many people this way of presenting products could be synonymous with practicality, for many others it generates reflection regarding their quality, also leading to questioning the damage that could be caused to the environment with the continuity and massiveness of these practices.

Therefore, it is expected that this new year will be guided by sustainability and that the consumption of fresher, local and environmentally friendly foods will begin to be promoted. Some of the simplest habits to carry out could be: buying food at bulk, avoid plastics and/or recycle them or prevent food waste with reuse recipes.

sensory experiences

In 2024 we will go beyond the sense of taste. New gastronomic experiences seek to stimulate all the senses. There are already restaurants that incorporate specific lighting, music and interior design to improve the dining experience, and they are expected to gain more and more popularity until they become a trend.

Diners seek not only exceptional flavors but also a complete and immersive experience, for example, in Madrid, we find the restaurant Dans Le Noir? where you can dine in total darkness.

Technological kitchen in 2024

With the great development that artificial intelligence is experiencing, it is evident that technology can influence many aspects, and the kitchen is no exception.

On the one hand, there is the incorporation of AI in food production, which allows the quality of products to be evaluated, thus strengthening food safety. On the other hand, these technological resources are increasingly within everyone's reach and it is common to use them to personalize recipes according to individual preferences or even to create meal plans.

Without a doubt, in 2024 it will become more common to see people use platforms with AI to choose their dinner, but it is still an unknown whether to prepare it, consumers will continue to choose the simplification presented by products already processed for consumption or will they prefer that their purchases are more in line with sustainability.
