Home News Mare's milk: a great discovery

Mare's milk: a great discovery

Despite the fact that its consumption is not very widespread at present, the mare's milk It has been admired by different cultures for centuries. Do you want to know more about this increasingly precious food? We tell you all the details about this product so beneficial.

A Little History

La mare's milk It has been present in different cultures for centuries. The Russian Tatars already used it in the XNUMXth century as the main source of their gastronomy and medicine. Thanks to its composition, this tribe used it for make medicated ointments y dairy products. The leftover milk was used as a base for the elaboration of vinegary liqueurs that were very famous in their regions.

This Eurasian ethnic group was not the only one to use this milk as the basis of their food and wellness. It is vox populi that Cleopatra bathed in donkey's milk, but also mare. And it is that in ancient Egypt, these two animals were very common in the pharaonic court. In the XNUMXth century, studies came out in which it was ensured that this milk was similar to human milk, which is why there began to be talk of its use as a substitute.

mare's milk
A mare nursing her calf. / Source: Pixabay

mare's milk foods

According to studies that have been carried out for two centuries, the components of the mare's milk They are very close to human. Although it is a scarce productThere are already companies that sell it in different formats. And it is that the female of the horse only produces a liter of milk a day in times of lactation, being that period of around five months.

About us echolactis makes available to consumers a line of food products produced with this milk. They sell capsules of this lyophilized secretion as a food supplement for exceptional properties. They also make available mare's milk in powder form, an easy-to-use format that does not lose any of its nutrients.

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A farmer milking a mare. / Source: EFE Agency

A product with multiple benefits

La mare's milk it has multiple benefits. Like the rest of the secretions from other mammals, this food is rich in calcium. However, its contribution of this mineral is three times higher to human milk. Even so, both liquids are very similar in terms of their nutritional composition. Both contain similar levels of vitamins A, D, K and B6, and micronutrients such as phosphorus or manganese.

What they do disagree on is the amount of vitamin C. The mare's is very high compared to the mother's. this vitamin helps the immune system and plays a key role in iron absorption. If we compare it with cow's milk, it has less fat and more protein what is it That is why it is particularly well tolerated by those allergic to cow. It also contains an essential enzyme as an antimicrobial agent: lysozyme.

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Mare's milk in different containers. / Source: Pharmafree

The therapeutic properties of mare's milk

As we have commented, the mare's milk has multiple benefits being an ally to treat diseases. The Equaid association, in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Barcelona and prestigious hospitals such as the Clínic or the Sant Joan de Deu, have published a study in which praise this food to treat different diseases, some of them extremely serious.

Although it does not cure diseases, it does provides essential nutrients to lessen their effects. Among these ailments are cancer, Chron's disease, cholesterol, depression or anemia, among others. For those responsible for this study, drinking a glass or taking a capsule of this liquid positively affects neurotransmitters, so restores vitality and balance to our organism.

The other use that is given to the mare's milk It is in the world of cosmetics. We have already said that the Tatars used it to make medicines, thanks to the properties provided by lactoferrin, a component with moisturizing and regenerative properties of our cells. Moisturizing creams made with this milk help to cure skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. Curious, isn't it?
