Home Meat Wild meat: essential for rural development

Wild meat: essential for rural development

We want to send you first-hand information about bushmeat and game.

To get an idea, do you know which is the third most practiced sport in Spain, tennis, golf? Nothing of that. Maybe you find it a bit curious if you did not know about this information, but the third most practiced sport is hunting.

Only after football in the first place and basketball in second are the only ones capable of surpassing the chase.

Just a few months ago we echoed a very important news for bushmeat. The Asiccaza. The Interprofessional Association of the Wild Game Meat initiates an ambitious plan to publicize and promote bushmeat with the European Union.

The main action is to increase knowledge about this type of meat in our country and France in order to know its quality and food safety and the high production standards.

For its part, in Europe, the objective is to value them among professionals in the European market to boost their commercialization.

Wild meat

Wild meat is a guarantee of quality and safety, as it undergoes strict controls. They are animals that have lived in freedom, without the strictures that many animals go through in many production farms.

Some of these animals can be: deer, wild boar, roe deer and fallow deer to partridge and rabbit, including hare, quail, pigeon, pheasant or woodcock.

There is no doubt, from the data that they send us, that bushmeat is expanding and is serving as a tourist engine.

But let's start with the data: you should know that approximately 25.000 tourists visit Spain to practice hunting tourism.

87% of the Spanish territory is declared as hunting.

To put you in situation; in Spain, rural areas cover 90% of the territory. 20% of the total population reside there. 87% of the Spanish territory is declared of hunting use.

This translates into a total of 43,8 million hectares, which are divided into 32.817 reserves in order to obtain wild meat.

Tourism rural
Rural tourism

According to the report: «Of these lands, 19% are concentrated in Castilla y León, followed by Castilla-La Mancha (16%) and Andalusia (16%).

Although if we put the extension in context with the size of the autonomous communities, more than 90% of La Rioja, Aragon. Catalonia, Navarra and Asturias are declared as hunting grounds. According to the latest report from the Artemisan Foundation.

To the almost 850.000 national hunting licenses that are currently counted, we must add the 25.000 foreign tourists who visit Spain annually for hunting tourism. Its origin is mainly from France, Italy, the USA and also from countries such as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

These are people who are characterized by have a medium-high purchasing power, which translates into a significant level of spending that generates large income to the inhabitants of rural areas.

Bushmeat hunting is undoubtedly expanding. It improves us and visitors who want to hunt and eat bushmeat. Always, under the pertinent restrictive laws and regulations.

Poaching is illegal and we are against animal abuse and in favor of protected species.


