Home Fruits and vegetables Prickly pears: production and benefits

Prickly pears: production and benefits

From nopal or the prickly pear leaf, the calls prickly pears They were originally from Central America, but they spread all over the world. To who Spain, arrived particularly finding their ideal climate in the Mediterranean coast Spanish, especially in the most arid. Its cultivation continues to increase due to its great adaptation to the area. This plant of the family of Cactaceae needs little water, just what characterizes the southeast of the peninsula. As for the fruit, below we will tell you more about it and its interesting nutritional contributions.

What are prickly pears and where are they grown?

The prickly pears They are fruits or berries with an oval and spherical shape whose content is fleshy and tasty. Thus, its pulp is gelatinous from a pale pink or cream color which also has small seeds. Its flavor is in a mixture between strawberry and banana. However, they are covered by a thick skin much more 'dangerous, because in it they distribute fine and transparent spines. The exterior color is green or yellowish until ripe.

As we have pointed out previously, prickly pears are born at the ends of the prickly pear, whose leaf is elongated, flattened, greener and can even be eaten. They know how asparagus of the same color or green beans, but they are also covered with thorns.

El the origin of this fruit dates back to the discovery of America, although pre-Hispanic cultures already knew its properties. So is Mexico the leading country in prickly pear production, although you can already find it all over the planet. The weather conditions of the Mexican lands are ideal for its cultivation, as it happens in other arid and dry regions.

In our country, we have a long tradition of this fruit, summer star. For example, in the Murcia production area increased more than 60% in 2018. Bioarchen (located in the town of archena) is a company specialized in these foods.

The benefits hidden under the thorns

Although they exist prickly pears Of different sizes and colors, they all share the same qualities that are transformed into nutritional benefits. Because they are rich in fiber, flavonoids (good for the liver), proteins, vitamins C and A, minerals and they even serve as a remedy for stomach problems. They also represent an important Caloric intake, something perfect for demanding diets with this.

Organic prickly pears from Murcia / Photo: bioarchen

If you want to try them, in some markets they sell them directly peeled already, suitable to be eaten raw, or with the skin, like other fruits. In this second case, you must make sure to remove any interior spines that may remain. On the other hand, also prickly pears are used to elaborate jams, jellies, juices, etc. Enjoy, in whatever format, this fresh summer delicacy!
