Home Cereals and legumes Lentil pasta: healthier?

Lentil pasta: healthier?

Have you heard about the lentil paste? Perhaps you have read something on the menu of a restaurant with options for celiacs (such as Roots in Madrid). Be that as it may, it is an interesting dish that is gaining more and more followers. Would you be able to replace the classic pasta with another more nutritious? She reads on and finds out where this one came from.

Vegetable pasta?

Everyone (or almost everyone) likes pasta. However, the same does not happen with lentils. This is one of the most complete on the market and should not be missing from any diet. Essential to avoid anemia. However, they are not to everyone's taste. A clear example are the children who are reluctant to eat them. They don't find them appealing. That is why we propose an increasingly well-known solution: lentil pasta.

Fooling these children and making them enjoy a good diet has never been so easy. This kind of pasta is made with lentils instead of wheat. The difference seems irrelevant although it is not. The first thing we can highlight is that it is gluten-free, so celiac people can enjoy it. Another great advantage lies in its lower percentage of fat y sugars, in addition to a higher level of protein.

vegetable paste
Vegetable pasta / Source: Pixabay

Thus, carbohydrates of the lentil are more complex than those of wheat. The result is constant energy gain with no highs or lows. You will also find more fiber in this kind of pasta than in the normal one. If you are a vegetarian or vegan person, the higher concentration of proteins already mentioned is a great advantage. It will help you reach optimal daily levels more easily.

The origin of the "boom"

It is not new but it has not been known for a long time either. The boom started in the herbalists, where for some reason it swept despite its uncompetitive price. The big chains were clever and Mercadona incorporated lentil pasta under the brand name Felicia. Gallo pulled his line Nature Rooster. This included other superfoods of the moment such as spirulina, turmeric or kale. As you can see, its rise is mainly due to the trends of life "Healthy" shared on the internet.

But, removing all the posturing and the marketing… do you know the same? The truth is that no. This could be highlighted as something positive, since it shows that it is a natural product with no additives. It tastes like lentils because it is made with lentils. Spot. However, it is not noticeable at all once you incorporate pesto tomato or any other ingredient of this nature to your recipe. Thus, it is a spectacular alternative for people who do not enjoy eating lentils. The only downside is its high price! You'll spot it fast on the shelf.
