Home News Almost half of Spaniards reduce meat consumption

Almost half of Spaniards reduce meat consumption

Within the project Smart Protein carried out by Proveg reveals that 48% of Spaniards have reduced their meat consumption. This survey also provides greater clarity about the current state of product consumption plant based. All of this helps the food industry and other interested parties to understand in depth what consumers are like in Spain. The survey, carried out in Austria, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, Romania and the Netherlands, involved 7.500 people. It has been carried out by the food awareness organization Proveg International in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen and the University of Ghent.

According to the findings of this survey, notable changes are observed in the consumption habits of meat and dairy products of animal origin in Spain. 48% of meat eaters report having reduced their intake in the last year. This marks a significant change in the country's eating patterns. Of this group, 16% have reduced their consumption by 50% or more. On the other hand, 32% have made more modest reductions, less than 50%. The largest reductions are seen in beef and pork consumption, with 40% and 24% of participants reducing consumption respectively.

Health, the main cause of reduction in meat consumption

The main motivation for consuming less meat and dairy products of animal origin is health. 47% of people surveyed cite health as the main reason, followed by animal welfare at 30%. Environmental factors follow with 23%. Although in Spain there is a notable proportion of consumers who reduce their consumption of animal meat, compared to the rest of the European countries surveyed, Spain is still below the average at 51%.

25% of the Spanish people who have participated consider themselves flexitarian, 4% vegetarian, 1% pescetarian and another 1% vegan. On the other hand, 52% of people in Spain are willing to replace foods of animal origin with legumes. 42% with plant-based dairy products. 41% for foods based on legumes and another 3 7% with vegetable meat. 41% of people surveyed point out that price and lack of information (29%) are the main obstacles to not buying products plant based. On the other hand, 65% of Spanish consumers are more likely to buy vegetable products in supermarkets. The most requested plant-based products are plant-based milk (37%), followed by plant-based meat (35%).

The survey sheds more clarity on confidence in the consumption of this type of food. Thus, 45% of people in Spain have perceived an increase in their trust in plant products compared to three years ago, mainly due to their safety, labeling accuracy and reliability. Regarding the taxes levied on these types of products, the people surveyed advocate the elimination of taxes on products that promote health and reduce environmental impact.




