Home News Detoxify the kidneys, with what foods?

Detoxify the kidneys, with what foods?

Detoxify the kidneys it suits anyone. Especially after the excesses of summer. Learn about the four keys to keeping them healthy in this article. We will also introduce you to some of the most valuable foods to preserve your health. They are nothing to write home about, surely you already eat them daily. What role does the shawl in the renal system? Let's discover the answer to this question and a few more.

The four commandments of the kidney

We will be based on the premises of National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). This institution in the United States is in charge of studying kidney disorders (in addition to digestive disorders and diabetes). It offers four keys to keeping these valuable organs that filter our blood healthy. The first commandment is to consume food with the least amount of shawl possible. The limit is set at an amount less than the 2.300 milligrams of sodium a day.

That is why you will not be able to eat a can of Goya and continue taking salt the same day. Many are the foods that exceed the recommended limits. Thus, avoiding them we will be able to enjoy a good blood pressure. The key is to eat more fresh produce and substitute spices for salt. Another of his suggestions involves eating fairly small portions of proteins. This is because excessive amounts make it difficult for the blood to filter. Thus, many athletes who abuse them end up with kidney stones.

In addition to this, it recommends avoiding fat that accumulate in the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Assumes avoid fried and cook more on the grill, in the oven, and broiled or sautéed foods. His last tip is to eat foods low in phosphorus. This way you can protect the bones and blood vessels. Don't worry if you keep processing all this information. Below we offer you different foods to detoxify the kidneys that you can incorporate to your diet.

Purify the kidneys with fruit

The blueberries they are very interesting fruits. They facilitate the elimination of toxins in addition to fighting free radical. The latter are behind the appearance of the cancer. They are able to prevent infections by preventing bacteria from remaining on the walls of our gastrointestinal system. The grapes they are also great allies. They have a vital diuretic effect when it comes to eliminating toxins and preventing infections. The apples they do a similar job. On the other hand, we cannot talk about diuretics and leave number one on the way: pineapple.

The apple is another one that dances. We must also remember the Citrus. Both lemons, oranges, tangerines, limes ... All of them are rich in Vitamin C, which strengthens our immune system. They are well known for preventing urinary infections. Finally, within the field of fruits, we recommend the watermelon. We recently wrote an article on why eat it in which we explain it more in depth. In short, its diuretic effect prevents cystitis and fluid retention.

improve defenses in children
Blueberries / Source: Pixabay

Vegetables to purify the kidneys

El Red pepper, for its part, it is low in phosphorus and is presented as an affordable vegetable to support our kidneys. If you want to detoxify the kidneys, you will also be interested in onion. This is rich in flavonoid. It is a powerful antioxidant that supports organs such as kidneys and the heart. It also eliminates toxins that the body does not need. We all know that asparagus also purifies the kidneys and stimulates the production of urine.

The all mighty it it is capable, in addition to the functions already described, of removing excess salt. The celery, with and broccoli They are others with low potassium content that will help you purify them. Lastly, the potato. You sure weren't expecting to find her on this list. It is a useful tuber for its carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

asparagus to purify the kidneys
Asparagus / Source: Pixabay


The basics, as we always say, is to have a balanced diet. Stay away from excesses and eat with common sense if you want to be healthy. Modérate with him alcohol because it forces the kidneys. They struggle to remove it, which can weaken them if you overload them. That's it. We hope you liked the article and that you have learned something useful. Follow us on our networks to keep up to date. Thanks!
