Home News Summer mistakes that you are sure to make, watch out!

Summer mistakes that you are sure to make, watch out!

In summer, there is a greater chance that food will become contaminated or that bacteria will be created in it. This is due to high temperatures and a series summer mistakes that surely you have committed sometime. Therefore, today we are going to give you some tips to avoid, mainly, a food poisoning. Keep reading with us to discover and put them into practice.

What are the most typical summer mistakes with food?

The hotter it is, the easier it is for bacteria to reproduce until causing a infection. For this reason, the first advice we give you to ensure that this does not happen is to avoid, for example, take potato omelette to the beach.

Doing this can be a serious mistake, since if the tortilla is not 100% curdled and you have not kept it well in a portable refrigerator, the dreaded may appear salmonella. This bacteria does not proliferate below 4 degreesBut the closer you get to 37, your playback speed skyrockets.

Summer mistakes
Juicy omelette | Source: Tortilladepatatas.online

Likewise, it is also important that you do not make the mistake of cook burgers o chicken breasts round and round quickly. Since if you defrost them at room temperature and do not cook them well, you can have a good scare.

El staphylococcusIn addition to salmonella, they easily grow in chicken at room temperature. Therefore, cooking them above 130 degrees is key to destroying these bacteria. In addition, you should always defrost food in the refrigerator in a general way.

Summer mistakes
Delicious hamburgers | Source: Cookpad.com

The best tips to prevent your products from spoiling

The first recommendation we give you is take your isothermal bag to purchase. It is one of the simplest steps in the world and you will save yourself from spoiling your products, especially in the case of fish, eggs or minced meat.

In the same way, if you forget or do not have the isothermal bag, it is highly recommended that you separate the refrigerated products and take them inside the cabin of the vehicle and not in the trunk, as we usually do, to avoid overheating.

Summer mistakes
Summer salad | Source:
lLacocinadepedroyyolanda.com (pinterest.com)

Another great tip to keep in mind is buy whole melon and watermelon. Although it is tempting and simpler buy cut melon and watermelon We do not recommend doing it if the product is out of the fridge. Due to its high water content, it is very prone to generating bacteria. The fruit, in general, is better to cut it at the time of consumption.

Likewise, it is better to use different refrigerators for drinks and food. This is due to a compelling reason. And it is that during your morning at the beach, surely you dip into the drinks on a recurring basis. When you open and close the refrigerator, it heats up and affects the food. On the other hand, if the food goes in a different bag, you can keep it closed until the right moment to eat.

watermelon heading
Split watermelon

Don't forget to watch your food

Finally, two tips that may be obvious, but not all apply, are not lose sight of your food, especially in gardens or outdoors, and do not cut food with the same knife and the same board.

In the first case, you must take the food out and put it on the table when you go to eat it. Although they are not delicate products, having them outside makes them attractive for insects or pets. Animals can be carriers of pathogenic germs and parasites that cause foodborne diseases.

Melons | Source: Comefruta.es

In the same way, it is not recommended that cut food with the same knife y in the same table. If you do this without cleaning them well every time you use them, you run the risk of causing what is called cross contamination. That is, contaminating a food with a bacteria because of having used the same utensil with which you had already manipulated contaminated food.

And you, how many of these summer mistakes do you commit often? We are sure that you have identified with one of the list. Although, as you have seen, applying them is simple and can rid you of dangerous toxic infections.


