Home News How to reduce sugar in cookies?

How to reduce sugar in cookies?

The level of sugar in cookies is a long-standing issue that has not yet found a solution related to its reduction. Now, a recent study of the Technological Center of Cereals of Castilla y León (cetece) investigates it. All to be able to know the patterns of the cereals and try to reduce the percentage of glucose. The idea is that they can be elaborated healthier cookies. Is this possible?

Two projects on sugar in cookies

Thanks to a grant from the Board of Castilla y Leon with more than 286.000 euros, the development of the study is divided into two projects. Both pretend reduce sugar levels in cookies and increase fiber levels. The challenge is important, since the flavor and aroma of the product comes from that element. Not only because it gives sweetness to food. It is also essential for potentiate to other flavors.

In addition, this glucose participates in the crunchy texture which has the whole cookie, as well as in the baking process. It intervenes in reactions that contribute that tan color characteristic. For all this, the development of healthier cookies It should not have too much impact on those aspects that captivate the consumer. The objective is focused on less sugar, not in lower sales.

Thus, the first project called LESSsugar investigates how to improve the sugar profile, with a 30% less. Also with a lower glycemic response after ingesting them. For this, the introduction of new ingredients and technologies is essential. The use of soluble fibers together with other raw materials that maintain good sensory characteristics of the cookies it's key.

The second project is called March. Its ultimate purpose is to predict trends and patterns of behavior in samples of cereal or flours. During the process, a methodological study that goes through quick scans. Those that provide information for those predictions. Several cereal companies from Valladolid, Zamora and Segovia collaborate on this point.

Will you get a positive and acceptable result by the consumer with a considerable reduction in sugar in cookies? We will have to wait to see it.
