Home Beverages Beer after the gym, recommended?

Beer after the gym, recommended?

Much is said about beer after the gym. Many use it as an isotonic drink while many others find it counterproductive. And the thing is that rugby players are not so misguided drinking after the game in what they call "The third time". Several studies show that this drink may have different benefits. Others distrust. Would you drink a beer after exercising?

Possible benefits of beer after the gym

Luca gatteschi, doctor of the Italian soccer team, recommends drinking it after training. Highlights its nutritional properties. It basically emphasizes on your low sugar content and its large amounts of minerals as magnesium, phosphorus y football. These are key when it comes to balancing the Mineral salts of the body after exercise. It is also rich in folic acid and in Group B vitamins. The latter minimize the risk of suffering a cardiovascular accident.

beer shooters
Beer pull taps

Another well-known virtue attributed to him is the presence of electrolytes. This is the main virtue that followers of this fashion talk about. Is about positively charged minerals. We usually refer to those mentioned above together with the sodium and potassium. Electrolytes are responsible for neural transmission and to manage our pH levels. In addition, hops contain Antioxidants.

It is also worth mentioning the carbohydrates containing. These are present in the form of maltodextrins. They are very useful because they correct the possibility of Hypoglycemia. They do this by metabolizing slowly. Thus, they release glucose units that gradually pass into the blood. Plasma glucose concentrations are less high and more widespread. Remember that carbohydrates are necessary when exercising. They work like fuel in our body.

Man lifting weights
Man lifting weights. Source: Pixabay


However, all that glitters is not gold. As we already know, beer normally contains alcohol. This one is proven to not contain any benefits on its own. Moreover, it can be in large quantities a authentic toxic for our body. That is why its main risks are two: dehydration y difficulty synthesizing proteins. All this without taking into account the gas it contains. This can cause an unpleasant feeling of bloating when drinking beer after the gym.

Our muscles need reparación when we subject them to Stress. That is why our body stimulates the synthesis of proteins to be able to repair and strengthen it. Through this process it is like increases muscle mass. The problem with consuming alcohol after training is that this recovery time could slow down. Various studies of RMIT University in Victoria, Australia and Pennsylvania State College of Medicine make it clear.

craft beer in crisis
Glasses of different craft beer

However, it should be noted that the men who participated in the RMIT study consumed twelve alcoholic drinks. This is a stratospheric quantity. Instead, another study showed that a low dose (half a gram of alcohol for every kilo of our weight) does not affect the process.

Loss of fluids, empty calories and alternatives

Moreover, the risk that is always present is that of dehydrate by the diuretic effect of beer. We become dehydrated if we expel more fluid than we have. In addition, it is highly proven that alcohol consists of empty calories. That is, it accumulates in the form of Abdominal fat fattening you without providing you with any nutrients. That's where the term comes from "Beer belly". It also inhibits the segregation of Testosterone. This hormone is key when it comes to building muscle.

Beer bottles

Given what has been seen, opinions are very different. For many it is a myth and for others true health. We will have to wait a while for the scientific community agree. So, it is up to you whether to drink it or not after training. Above all, do it with your head and keep in mind that this drink is not a panacea. As good as it may be, it is not appropriate to abuse it.

An option to take into account to test may be the alcohol-free beer. Contains all alleged benefits for the sport of conventional beer but without the risks of ethanol. In addition, its proportion of sugar is lower and it has anti-inflammatory properties. So you can enjoy the beer after the gym.
