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Label: Calories

Calories: Why is Coca-Cola increasing sales?

We have good news. Products low in calories and sugars are in fashion. Coca-Cola has already announced itself as a leader in this growing sector...

Beer after the gym, recommended?

Can beer after the gym be the perfect isotonic drink? It is not very clear yet despite the numerous benefits attributed to it.

The least fattening bread, do you know what it is?

What is the least fattening bread? That is the question asked by many consumers who refuse to leave such a basic product in our diet.

If it is light, is it healthier? We clarify it for you!

Many consumers confuse products labeled in this way with their healthful qualities. We explain here in detail if it is light is healthier or not.

Best apps for foodies, do you know them?

Eating healthy is a growing trend and thanks to mobile technology, the best apps for foodies provide all the information about food.

Teapical soft drink with less calories

It is a Mediterranean adaptation of a drink already successful in the United States and the United Kingdom. Three Catalans have created Teapical, a tea drink. Find out!

Beer problems 00: truth or myth?

The confusion with the problems of the 00 non-alcoholic beer are there, but they do not affect an upward growth of its consumption. What is true?