Home Beverages Carajillo, the force with history

Carajillo, the force with history

Everyone has ever enjoyed long after-dinner meals with the family after a spectacular celebration. And, on many occasions there is usually a common denominator at our side: the damn. This drink derived from coffee brings a strong touch to our palate in addition to quenching our thirst. Its origin is subject to various theories, very different and each one more curious than the other. Surely you are interested in knowing each of them and even their Preparation method. If you are a lover of cream, here you will discover everything you need to know about it.

What is carajillo?

First of all, this drink is known by various names depending on the geographic location Spanish where you are at all times. Between the different denominations surely you've ever heard cream, rebentat, cigaló or cremat. And it is that there are almost the same ways of calling it as theories there are around its origin.

Carajillo. Source: calaixetdelaiaia.blogspot.com.es (pinterest.com)

But, after all, the carajillo is a coffee which is accompanied by a great presence of some liquor. This, generally, is brandi, although you can also find it with pomace, rum or other liqueurs. All this is always in communion with your tastes and the bar or restaurant where you want to enjoy this drink. Its main characteristic is that alcohol is flamed, this may be the only national contribution to the world of coffee and its mixes.

Origin of carajillo: from Cuba to Barcelona

Although, as we have already mentioned before, its origin is a unknownSince there are many possible versions, there is one that seems the most reliable. This affirms that the origin of carajillo is in Cuba, since the combatants in the War of Independence they got into the habit of drinking their morning coffee mixed with rum. The purpose of these soldiers in drinking this liquid was to give themselves the courage before entering combat. Due to the continuous consumption in this context, the drink was baptized as "Corajillo" o little courage, because it was a small drink that was drank in a small glass.

But, this is not the only claim that is treated as its origin. The Encyclopedia of Barcelona affirms that the carajillo was a custom acquired by the workers of the France station, located in the city of Barcelona. And the thing is, the people who worked there were in a great hurry to join their jobs, so they didn't have time to enjoy coffee and liquor separately. Therefore, they asked for their drink all together and exclaimed "Que ara guillo" which in Spanish means, "I'm leaving now".

Carajillo. Source: pablorecetas.es (pinterest.com)

Not just for men

According to Ana Rodríguez Blasco, champion of the III International Kenmaets Competition, the profile of the consumer who usually asks for the cream is usually that of workers from the area who go to their trusted bar for lunch. Although, at present, things are changing since more and more of are getting into the habit of enjoying a good damn at lunchtime.

But, the birth of this drink was so tied to the male culture that some experts confirm that its etymological root comes from male reproductive organ. And, in both Castilian and Spanish, the word used to refer to the combination of coffee and liquor is a diminutive of a popular word to refer to the penis; "Cigaló" and "damn it" respectively. After all, the origin could come from the custom of serving this liquid in tall, thin glasses.


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But, if you have a hard day at work and don't have the time to go to your trusted bar, you can make your own. damn at home. Its preparation is easy, cheap and accessible as long as you have an alcoholic beverage. You will only need 70 milliliters of espresso, 25 of brandy or rum, depending on your preference, 3 coffee grains and 2 lumps of sugar. To all this you can include a little cinnamon if you want to give a sweet touch to your elaboration.

Also, if you are already an expert in this type of preparation you can broaden your sights and practice with more complex carajillos. In fact, there are many possibilities to make this drink adapting it to all types of palates. Among the best known is the fuckin valencia with an orange crescent, the Asian more than 50 years old or the goldberry, which is a perfect option when you want something sweeter than the coffee itself, since it incorporates Licor 43.

Carajillo. Source: Jessica Reyes (pinterest.com)

Having discovered all the secrets of the cream or carajilloDon't you fancy one right now? Try to enjoy one of the drinks with the most history of our gastronomy and enjoy. Give it a drink!
