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Will the banana go extinct again?

Although it goes unnoticed in a convulsive international environment, there is a serious disease that lies in wait for the banana. The danger is called TR4 (Tropical Race 4)...

Human meat: is it nutritious?

How is human meat from a nutritional point of view? Cannibalism has existed for millions of years. It's horrible, right? It is currently about...

Carajillo, the force with history

Carajillo is a different coffee whose origin has several theories. In addition, its flavor and power make it a star drink. Find out!

Vilajuiga water, the story of a long journey

Vilajuiga water has a very particular history. In addition, it has many culinary uses, as well as numerous nutritional properties. Discover it!

What is terroir and how does it influence wine?

This term that usually appears with some frequency in the intrahistory of a wine bottle has its importance. Discover what is terroir or terroir

The roscón de Reyes and the "bean fool"

Discover the origin and evolution of this Christmas sweet that is enjoyed in all Spanish homes on January 6. Learn about the history of the roscón de Reyes.

Peladillas: do you remember them? Where have they gone?

The peladillas are in danger of extinction. This sweet was known for its social relevance in family gatherings, but now it is rarely seen.

Castell del Remei recovers a historic vermouth

The oldest aging cellar in Catalonia, Castell del Remei, launches a classic drink that returns to a recipe from the twenties. Find out how it is here.

Domestication of the vine: what you did not know

Below we review the latest genetic discoveries on the domestication of the vine. Montenegro is key to understanding the evolutionary chain.

Why did the human being become sedentary?

Climate changes are usually the explanation of why the human being became sedentary. A lesser known theory points to beer as the origin.