Home Sea Cantabrian anchovy, national delicacy

Cantabrian anchovy, national delicacy

It is a delicacy of great prestige in our country and which is also called bocarte or anchovy, especially in other parts of the Spanish territory such as Andalusia. Yes, as the Cantabrian anchovy there is none, it has no comparison. This product salted It is a delicacy that is preserved together with the best olive oil. Its careful preparation while maintaining the method craft turns each can or jar into an exemplary food. Such is its quality that the anchovy from Santoña It could be classified as a national cultural heritage. Get to know it in detail here!

Origin of a 100% Spanish food

La canning industry of fish in Spain it has a significant role in the regions that, due to their geographical location, enjoy the wonders of the sea. Sardines, mackerel, tuna, tuna and, of course, anchovies They end up enriching the sector. But, without a doubt, if there is a product that can be equaled with Spanish ham itself, it is the Cantabrian anchovy. Because the consumption of this delicacy only salted It is something typical of our country, where it is considered a dish and not a simple ingredient, as seen in Italy. Thus, we can say that it is a food 100% national and emblem of our gastronomy. Provided that its origin and production is linked to the north of the peninsula, where it occupies many people from Galicia to the Basque Country.

Cantabrian anchovy
Cantabrian Anchovy / Photo: dcantabria.es

This is how the Cantabrian anchovy was born

With an export that reaches 40 countries, this product is part of one of the most important campaigns of the entire Cantabrian coast. Canning companies buy directly the blue Fish Engraulis encrasicolus where does the Cantabrian anchovy. They go to the fish markets of each corresponding fishing zone and then leave the large quantities of specimens for several hours in brine. Without a head or part of its entrails, the next step is maturation. It lasts between 6 and 10 months in large barrels.

Once the anchovies are removed from them, they are rinsed with fresh water, sliced ​​and even clean of scales. This last totally artisan process is called pawed. Finally, the product is canned (mostly) or is placed in glass jars, always accompanied by olive oil for its excellent conservation. Ready to distribute and enjoy at the table along with other delicacies!

Of course, before rushing with its acquisition, you should know what the keys that distinguish the Cantabrian anchovy of others that are not. And it is that in this industry they also try to sell you a hare, something facilitated by the absence of regulations. In these foods You should pay special attention to the species of the specimen from which it comes and in its capture area. This is what the quality-controlled label who owns the the Basque Country, although Cantabria they also establish these demands along with others.

Cantabria anchovies seal
Cantabria controlled quality seal / Photo: occup.org

In Santoña everything revolves around her

The small municipality and Cantabrian village of Santoña, an essentially marine tourist destination located in the eastern part of the province, is the original cradle of the Cantabrian anchovy. Back in the century XIX, some emigrants Italians found ideal conditions in this place to create and expand the industry of the salted fish. Little by little they were giving work to many women in the region. At present, it is the Consortium Group the one that leads the commercialization of the product. Born in 1950, this company sells its cans to Italy and other European countries, in addition to United States, Lebanon or Egypt, Among many others.

We talk about a food good gourmet fooda national delight that Santoña, where the aforementioned company has its main factories, enjoys a recognized culture. Everything revolves around the Cantabrian anchovy through activities that publicize the product. Tourist visits pass through the port, factories, bars or small workshops, in addition to the sea routes offered by the town hall.

In short, the weight of this delicacy is enormous and is even transferred to Laredo or Colindres, other Cantabrian municipalities where it has a high importance economic and social. Really, they are between 60 and 70 companies those that are dedicated to the canning of anchovies in eastern Cantabria, according to the secretary of the Cantabrian Canners AssociationJose Luis Marseille.

Finally, it is worth highlighting the qualities offered by the Cantabrian anchovy in gastronomy. As raw material unique and genuine, its organoleptic properties are interesting to be present in any dish. In addition, during the confinement its sale increased along with other canned foods. Consumers at home often use it in snacks (with artichokes, peppers, etc.) or for small treats whims occasional. Although in some regional gastronomies such as that of Murcia, are part of typical tapas. See the sailor Murcian.
