Home News Gluten-free food and consumption on the rise

Gluten-free food and consumption on the rise

One of the tendencies that Spanish consumers are following more and more eagerly is the purchase of gluten free food, in a context of healthy eating. Despite not having any Celiac DiseaseMany, attracted by a healthier consumption, choose to choose products free of this element. Although it is also true that brands have become more aware of offering these alternatives, the figures reflected in the recent report prepared by the consultant Nielsen they are revealing. With respect to the previous year, spending has been located in 80 million euros with an increase of 13%.

Upward trend in gluten-free foods

Mainly, the consumption of gluten free food is aimed at people who suffer from Celiac Disease. This forces them to eat only these types of products to avoid problems. But it only affects the 1% of the Spanish population. So it is clearly observed that this increase in buying something looking for the 'without gluten' It is not related to having or not having said health problem. Rather, this decision is influenced by one more aspect of being aware of the Healthy life, although the substance to avoid is not so harmful.

Thus, of all the basket that would be perfect for Celiac highlights the bread articles or derivatives as the most common, responsible for 40% of spending. Then there are the cookies with 21% and also the pasta with 15%. They do not escape these high percentages nor the cereals nor the products of Bakery, with 13 and 11%, respectively. However, in the market we can find a large number of other types of gluten-free foods, from fried tomato to nuts. This is seen in this main image.

Of course, on the other hand, it should be remembered that one of the differentiating points between the products with and without gluten is the price, as it is notably higher in the second case. We are talking, therefore, of acquisitions that could be classified as gourmet or premiumgiven their high RRP. With a simple example, this is sentenced: cookies and pasta have a price per kilo of up to 122 and 114% more expensive. However, this aspect does not seem to concern the consumer who prefers the opción free. Y in more and more food categories, from milk to snacks or snacks.
