Home Gastronomy How to take creatine: positive, but with caution

How to take creatine: positive, but with caution

The passion for sport and for physical health they have gained popularity in recent times. Despite certain restrictions, gyms have been an important point in the lives of many people. And, to help all physical activity there are Food supplements. Know how to take creatine correctly and safely? It is one of the most studied products with the greatest scientifically demonstrable effects. However, and as for everything, you have to follow some recommendations and be careful to consume it properly.

What is creatine?

First of all, you must understand that creatine is a chemical substance. This is already present in our body of natural form, especially in the muscles and brain. But, to complete the amount necessary for our body, we must eat a varied diet that includes red meat and seafood. As a detail to highlight, it must be understood that this molecule is synthesized from several amino acids, so it has protein origin. Although, on the other hand, you can also take creatine as a dietary supplement performed in laboratory.

The use of creatine in the sports field has become widespread in recent years due to the fact that it is not considered a doping substance by any international organization. And, after all, athletes use this product to improve your physical capacity or performance. In fact, it has different uses depending on the preferences that each one has. Either for gain muscle mass or strength, power, resistance against exhaustion or an improvement in performance quality physical and sporty. But, the most important point to keep in mind when including this product in our routine is that always should appear as supplement. It can never be a fundamental pillar in the usual diet.

How to take creatine
Creatine Source: Escuelainternacional.com

How to take creatine in the right way?

Sports nutrition experts always recommend taking around 5 daily grams creatine. Since it is the more studied and completely safe dose. Although, there are those who affirm that each individual must adapt their intake according to their condition and your weight. Despite this, certain studies have shown that 3 out of 10 people do not get any benefit taking this supplement. This makes it clear that it is not an optimal product for everyone and that you will only know of its effectiveness once you are willing to try it and make sure that it does not generate you inconvenience.

As for the appropriate time to take it, there are several options that you can take advantage of. But, the most common and widespread is taking creatine after training, together with a protein shake or a piece of fruit, since the most important thing to stay in shape is to balanced and healthy diet. In fact, in days off it is advisable to continue taking the daily dose of creatine so that the body do not deviate from your role. Although, in any case, there is no perfect time to consume this supplement. Their best band has a lot to do with the routine that each one follows.


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Evidence of its effectiveness

La Comprehensive Natural Medicines Databases has determined that creatine is a supplement quite effective for several points. All related to the improvement of physical capacity and the enhancement of sports performance. Some of these aspects can be:

  • Muscular strength. This supplement is able to slightly improve the upper muscular system strength. Especially in adults and the elderly.
  • Athletic performance. There are many sports in which the use of creatine significantly improves the physical condition. And therefore the performance. Some of them are rowing, high jump or soccer. Regarding the prolonged effort sports the results are diverse. This is so, because, although they can be taken in endurance or endurance activities, their benefits are not so direct.
  • Increase muscle mass. The main function of creatine is to be stored in the form of phosphocreatine, which is a highly energetic substance. Therefore, at high intensities, this supplementation may help to make more effort and retain more fluid at the cellular level. Therefore, muscle permeability will be greatly improved.

These are some of the and advantages to include this product in your sports routine. Despite this, there are many other benefits related to taking better care of our body. And it is that, creatine helps regulate metabolism of those people who have problems with the transport of this natural molecule. It can even benefit the elderly as counteracts muscle loss.


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Always with caution

Although you have been able to verify that creatine has numerous positive aspects, you can not forget that it is a dietary supplement and that you should be careful about consumption it means. Several connoisseurs on the subject have observed that this product can carry muscle cramps or gastrointestinal problems. In addition, although it is not yet scientifically proven, it is believed that creatine may be related to a higher incidence of renal insufficiency. You have to remember that everything is good in your fair measure and with proper precautions.

Did you know this supplement? It is a product highly recommended by all experts. Also, now you know how to take creatine the correct way. In addition, it is very easy to acquire via Amazon with a price of € 14 per kilo. A value that makes this product one of the most affordable offers on the market. So do not hesitate to include it in your sports diet if you consider it necessary. But remember, no eliminate any food to include this supplement, is the ideal complementation but not the basis of the regime. Boost your physique in the safest way!
