Home Beverages Probiotic tepache, be surprised!

Probiotic tepache, be surprised!

If you don't know one of the drinks most typical of Mexico go ahead and try the probiotic tepache. In its origins it was made based on corn y cane sugar. Actually, its name comes from the Nahuatl language "tepiatli", which means drink made from corn. It was one of the sacred of civilization Maya which was seasoned with spices and was used to perform religious rites. We tell you more about this interesting product here, in addition to teaching you how to work it out easily at home. You can enjoy it, let's get to it!

A drink with a past and a future

With the arrival of the colonizers, some fruits from the area were added, such as guava, pineapple and apple. Bill probiotic tepache It is a fermented drink with a low alcoholic level - between 1% and 3% - with many beneficial properties. Like much of the fermented foods and drinks for our body, this alternative is sure to attract you. Some experts believe that He has a great future for all that he brings and for his low alcoholic level.

Currently, this most popular product is made with pineapple although it can also be made with apple, pear, berries, oranges, tangerines and even pumpkin. With the fermentation process it gains diuretic, digestive and antioxidant properties, hence the talk of probiotic tepache. It is also a very energetic drink with a slightly sweet taste, very pleasant. Of course, depending on the fruit that it incorporates, in this aspect it varies.

How is the probiotic Tepache made?

The making of this fermented drink it is simple and this is why it is very popular. As we have commented, it can be made with almost all fruits. The important thing is that they are mature and they can contribute their sugars to fermentation. To prepare it with pineapple we must cut it into pieces, including the skin. We put them in a ceramic or glass jug and add about 300-400 grams of cane sugar along with two liters of slightly hot mineral water.

Some recipes, with the aim of helping your fermentation recommend adding about 200 cc of craft beer (unpasteurized beer). It is also an option, but highly recommended, to add some cinnamon, cloves and some peppercorns. We will close the container with a cloth so that it can be oxygenated and its fermentation begins. The ideal temperature for fermentation of tepache it is about 25ºC and will last from one to three days.

probiotic tepache
Tepache glass

If the objective is not to be very alcoholic and, in this way, suitable for all audiences, with one or two days of fermentation It will be enough. All this will depend on the environmental temperature and we will observe a white foam on the surface when it is ready. Finally, we just have to strain the resulting liquid, serve it with ice and enjoy it. For its conservation, the best place is the refrigerator. So now you can get your hands on in the kitchen to prepare and enjoy it!
