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Tag: Yogurt

Coconut kefir: Mercadona's new probiotic yogurt

Once again a Mercadona product is back in the news. This time it is the new coconut Kefir drink alternative....

What are milk Bulgarians?

Have you ever heard of milk Bulgarians? Whatever the answer, surely the name kefir is more familiar to you. That...

Natural yogurt: which one to choose?

Natural yogurt is a dairy product internationally recognized as a healthy food. It is obtained from the fermentation of specific microorganisms of milk, two bacteria...

Danone's Yopro: expensive posture

Is it worth taking Yopro from Danone? Sports supplementation is becoming more and more the order of the day. The most methodical conceive it...

Bulgarian yogurt, better than Greek?

Have you heard of Bulgarian yogurt? Probably not. However, it is tremendously popular in Asia and in Bulgaria it is a staple of the...

Mercadona protein yogurt: a good idea?

Mercadona's protein yogurt is ideal for athletes. Only for them? Know the main virtues of this product that is sweeping!

Foods that can be eaten expired, watch out!

Many times we throw away products that we think are going to be bad because they have passed their date, on the other hand, there are foods that can be eaten expired.

Lidl's Skyr, not what it seems!

The large supermarket chains are always in constant renovation. Every new day they bet on avant-garde products that bring positive aspects to the...

Why does the consumption of plant foods grow?

More and more people prefer to consume plant foods, instead of animal origin. We analyze here the reasons for its rise.

The best sauces in Mercadona: for everything!

To add a lot of flavor to all kinds of dishes and meals, find out here which are the best Mercadona sauces. There is an interesting variety.