Home News Preserve vegetables and fruits twice as long!

Preserve vegetables and fruits twice as long!

Preserve vegetables o fruits in our fridge for longer is the dream of anyone you want save time and money. naturepod, a technology promoted by a Barcelona startup, can make it happen Do you want to know what it is? Just, keep reading!

How to keep your vegetables and fruits longer?

How many times have you had to throw vegetables or fruits Why have you taken a little longer to consume them? We are not really aware of the waste of time and money what this entails. But often it is inevitable. Either because we miscalculated when making the purchase or, simply, we have eaten fewer times than we thought at home. Supermarkets and department stores have used innovative refrigeration technology systems for decades to keep this type of food in more than optimal for the consumer.

What has been done naturepod is to transfer this system to our home refrigerator. For this he has developed some clutch prepared on the basis of natural clays which considerably prolong the Life Useful of our vegetables and fruits, as they can hold in perfect condition up to twice as long than under normal conditions. Its function is to absorb ethylenea natural hormone released by fruits and vegetables. This is the cause of its maturation process.

Simply are placed on the wall our vegetable crate. We must always write down the date to remember change them when they pass 30 days, its effective time. Below we will explain what they are and how they work. innovative capsules.

Everything you need to know about Naturpod


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One of the objectives of this Barcelona company is fight el food waste. En Gastronomic Information We have already dealt with this topic since it supposes a serious problemBoth environmental as humanitarian. It is inconceivable that there are millions of people without food while tons of food is being wasted. Therefore, one of the pillars of this initiative es reduce food waste. As well as educate their consumers.

Saving food is saving money. Yes, but at Naturpod we believe that we must also look further and we defend that reducing food waste is good for the planet, since it helps to stop global warming. Website de Naturpod.

Also, another of the purposes of the firm just as its slogan suggests is encourage a healthier diet: “Eat well and feel better”. Another aspect to consider is its price and durability. The truth is that it is not an expensive product. The box is priced $8,90 and they come three envelopes. Therefore, you can preserve your vegetables and fruits for only 3 euros per month. It is an affordable price for everyone. In addition, they also sell organic cloth bags You can buy directly through their website or in any of its physical points of sale.

A strong commitment to the environment and our health

In this 100% sustainable product due to several factors. Natural clays can be disposed of safely and non-hazardous after use, as they are free of parabens, PVC (plastic component) and any other toxic or non-recyclable material.

naturepod is committed to the environment and the sustainability of the planet, which is why we carefully choose the materials we use. Because our health also depends on the health of our planet. Website de naturepod.

In addition, the entire product itself, including the packaging, is made from material sourced from certified forests in terms of sustainability. Likewise, it does not contain any additives and, therefore, will not release any substance into your food. It will only absorb the ethylene produced in your fridge by fruits and vegetables, helping to maintain a healthier environment. Their effectiveness is icing on the cake. We must remember that it allows preserve vegetables and fruits in your fridge until twice as long. Instead of peppers lasting you 5 days in the fridgethey will last you 10. 

And you, Have you ever heard of these envelopes? have you tried them? If so, tell us what you think in the comments. In our opinion, they seem to us to be a sustainable and effective option with very positives. Not only for the planet, but also for our health. 
