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Tik Tok, the new recipe book for young people

The recipe books that our grandmothers taught us are already a thing of the past, now it is social networks like Tik Tok that...

Three quick and healthy recipes that you can make in the airfryer

The airfryer, a healthy alternative New technologies are here to stay and displace the stoves used by grandmothers. Our way of cooking is changing...

Ana's recipes, from Tejas Verdes

for sale Ana's book, the one from Tejas Verdes the recipe book.

Lentils for all tastes

Lentils are one of our quintessential legumes. A very versatile food with many benefits for our body. The stew is...

Vegan picada: is it possible?

Picada is one of the most characteristic Colombian dishes that exist. Many people associate this frying with meat and parties, well...

Gluten-free desserts: easy recipes

Gluten-free dessert recipes are essential in our current society. Many of us cannot consume this component without damaging our intestine....

Egusi: African protein

There is an ingredient that can help us supplement our diet with protein and fat. Egusi is a word that is used in...

Oreo: the cookie with the most uses

Oreos are easily the most popular cookies in all of Spain. Its flavor and its shape attract both the youngest of the...

Harry Potter Food: Fact and Fiction

The followers of the saga created by JK Rowling have in their minds the great banquets that the students usually enjoy at Hogwarts. A...

Garum: a sauce with history

It is possible that the word sounds familiar to you. Or even that you have tried it somewhere. What is certain is...