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Tag: Japan

Furikake: but what is this?

Get ready for one of the most interesting Japanese condiments: furikake. It is very popular in the kingdom of the rising sun although it does not sound familiar to us...

Sushi origins, is it really Japanese?

Sushi, sushi, sushi… Everyone talks about it. Or you love it, or hate it. But… What really are the origins of sushi? We are going to...

Wagyu: the same as kobe?

Wagyu? Kobe? Learn to distinguish the basics of Japanese cuisine beyond fish and rice. This article is about meat, quality...

Bulgarian yogurt, better than Greek?

Have you heard of Bulgarian yogurt? Probably not. However, it is tremendously popular in Asia and in Bulgaria it is a staple of the...

Japanese shochu, the rise of the unknown

Although there are high-quality liqueurs in Spain, there are others around the world. Especially in the eastern part of Asia, where drinks stand out...

International Sushi Day, nothing is what it seems!

International Sushi Day brings to the stage an oriental dish that is conquering the whole world. Find your favorite and enjoy it.

Ginger in gastronomy and health

From the oriental kitchens, it is gaining weight in the dishes of the West more and more. Discover in detail everything about ginger and a recipe.

Mochis from Mercadona, cold jelly explosion

The Spanish imitation of this Japanese sweet is a Mercadona mochi already available in three flavors. They offer you a magical experience in the mouth.

Kobe beef, the pleasure of the gods

Kobe beef is one of the most expensive gourmet products due to its upbringing and preparation characteristics that provide it with an exceptional flavor.

Japanese delicacy: is sushi healthy?

It is one of the foods that has had the most boom and is already popular among Spanish consumers, but is sushi healthy as you think?