Home Tags DO Ribera del Duero

Label: DO Ribera del Duero

The best wines of Alcampo

The supermarkets of this French chain offer a wide variety with great value for money; here the best wines of Alcampo.

Masterchef wines, which ones and how are they?

We analyze the select winery that has the famous cooking contest of RTVE 1. Among the Masterchef wines we find quality and variety.

Specimen wine, a collector's item

The new wine rarity from Bodegas Villacreces, from the DO Ribera del Duero, is here. We present to you how this incomparable Specimen wine is.

Bodegas Protos is committed to organic wine

Bodegas Protos has opted for organic wine. It starts with two monovarietals of Tempranillo and Verdejo. Protos will produce 100% organically with the 2021 vintage.

Kirios de Adrada Ricotí solidarity wine

The DO Ribera del Duero winery produces a solidary and ecological wine to help recover the habitat of the ricoti skylark, in danger of extinction.

XIX Conference of Roasted Lamb in Aranda

During the month of June, Aranda del Duero celebrates the Roasted Suckling Lamb Days to be able to eat this product in up to eight specialized grills.