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Tag: China

Medlars, the shortest stone fruit

The medlar season is approaching, the first ones can already be found in the markets. Get to know this sweet delicacy of distant origins.

Gua bao, the steamed and calorie-free sandwich

Gua bao, a recipe of Taiwanese origin that has earned a niche in our country within Chinese cuisine for its different and healthier proposal.

Live animal markets, a threat to everyone's health?

Dogs, pangolins, bats ... There are many animals that are exposed alive in markets where people obtain them at low prices.

Tanghulu, the most innovative and beautiful sweet

The Tanghulu is an easy-to-create and aesthetically beautiful treat that is gaining popularity on social media. Find out how to create yours.

This new rice plant variant promises

Researchers from universities in Germany and China have discovered a variant of the rice plant that is resistant to inorganic arsenic.

Yellow and green kiwi, different but the same

Both the yellow and green kiwi are fruits with great nutritional contribution. Both have differences but they have a delicious flavor. Find out!

Hemp seed, unknown but unsurpassed

Hemp seed is a hitherto unknown product. But its benefits make it a superfood. Discover it here!

Prevent the coronavirus with wine?

The Chinese University of Taiwan has developed research studies on how to prevent coronavirus by having a few drinks. We explain it to you.

The lychee fruit, the enigma of well-being

It is of Chinese origin, small and exotic, characterized by its sweetness and explosions of flavors. We tell you in detail everything about the litchi fruit.

Ten rare animals that are edible!

Do you know what are the rarest edible animals in the world? We show you here the ten most surprising!