Home Cereals and legumes Hemp seed, unknown but unsurpassed

Hemp seed, unknown but unsurpassed

There are countless products that, a priori, are unknown for most of us. Despite this, we can find very good food without as much popularity as others, but that are beneficial for our body. Today we present the hemp seed. An unpublished food for many that, in addition to having properties very positive, is starting to show up in some of our diets. All his virtues, together with his versatility and its ability to be integrated into a wide variety of dishes make this product a superfood. Here's everything you need to know about it. Adelante!

Origin of hemp seed

The reality of this product is that, despite being little known in our country, in China and other Asian countries appear in their diet constantly. Furthermore, a few years ago, the hemp seed and the oil that was extracted from them had medicinal use. Since, despite being a little used food, its high nutritional content.

But its treatment throughout the world does not just stop there. Also in United States the Hemp seeds are very popular. In fact, Thomas Jefferson himself recommended that his people grow this type of seed because of its great gastronomic power. Both cases are proof that hemp seeds are undoubtedly a great product. Worth including in all our diets.

Hemp seed
Hemp seeds / Source: Encuentrovegano.es

What's your origin?

It is not difficult to know that, as the name suggests, these seeds come from the hemp plant. And, as a curious fact, this is the same species from which the marijuana and cannabis. It may be that for this reason Hemp seeds, also known as hemp seeds, they are not so protagonists in our country. But, contrary to what it seems, this product is totally legal and no toxic components or cannibols.

And it is not only there. This product generates countless positive properties for our body. Therefore, despite its dubious origin, it should not be removed from our meals. In fact, hemp seeds appear in such everyday foods as bread, cakes, cookies or even ice creams.


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Nutritional properties of hemp seed

As we have already mentioned, the hemp seed it has a myriad of beneficial features for ourselves. Hemp seeds contain a large amount of protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins and enzymes. And, along with all this, they hardly have sugar, starches or saturated fat. Some of the great benefits of hemp seeds for our body could be:

  • High content in proteins and possession of all essential amino acids. This makes them a good option for all those who follow vegan dietsas they offer lighter alternatives to products such as meat.
  • Great value on fiber, since it represents 43% of its composition. Thanks to it, hemp seeds act in the regulation of intestinal function, being recommended for people with intestinal disorders.
  • Vitamins C and E, which are powerful antioxidants. In addition, they strengthen the immune system, reducing the risk of infections and anemia.

  • They are rich in omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids. These are very important for the optimal functioning of our body and perfect for maintaining our cardiovascular health. In addition, they help reduce cholesterol levels, and not only lower the bad or LDL, but also increase the good or HDL cholesterol.

Although these are only several of its benefits, hemp seeds offer a myriad of positive properties for ourselves. To all those mentioned above we can add the production of nitric oxide or the presence of arginine, essential for the formation of proteins.


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In gastronomy

Hemp seeds have a very small size and a green hue. In addition, they have a flavor that oscillates similar to that of the walnut and almond. And, we can find this product in the vast majority of supermarkets in our place of residence.

In fact, with a price less than € 10 per kilogram, they become a highly recommended product to include in our dishes. Hemp seeds can be used as an ingredient for salads, breads, or baked goods. Although they also work in combination with dairy and they are also used to make oil, which provides a mild flavor. Here we present some of the best recipes that you can make in your own home with this product.

  • toasts with chia
  • Salad pasta with pesto sauce
  • Zucchini puree with caramelized sesame
Hemp seed
Toast with hemp and chia seeds. Source: ecocanem.com

As you can see, hemp seeds can be used in a wide variety of dishes, all of them easy to cook in your own home. Did you know this superfood? It is gaining a lot of popularity and it will surely arrive in your kitchen soon. Try the hemp seed!
