Home News Quinoa is already local

Quinoa is already local

Originally from the South American Andes, quinoa has emerged as a nutritional treasure in modern gastronomy, conquering palates and gaining global recognition. Now the production of quinoa can be local thanks to the efforts of farmers who have achieved acclimatization.

This pseudocereal, considered a superfood, is not only versatile in the kitchen, but also provides a series of health benefits.

Quinoa is an excellent source of protein, it contains all the essential amino acids that our body needs. This makes it an ideal option for those following vegetarian or vegan diets. Additionally, its nutritional profile includes fiber, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, contributing to cardiovascular health, muscle function, and sustained energy throughout the day.

Quinoa in the kitchen

Its versatility in cooking has made it a prized ingredient in a variety of dishes. From salads to stews, quinoa can adapt to various culinary styles. Its light texture and mild flavor make it perfect for mixing with vegetables, herbs, and sauces, allowing for endless creative possibilities in the kitchen.

Quinoa It has also gained popularity as a healthier alternative to refined grains. Its low glycemic index helps keep blood sugar levels stable, making it a favorable option for those looking to control their weight or manage conditions such as diabetes.

In addition to its nutritional benefits, quinoa is easy to prepare, requiring less cooking time compared to other grains, making it a practical choice for the modern pace of life. Its light, fluffy texture, along with its ability to absorb the flavors of surrounding ingredients, makes it attractive to chefs and hobbyists alike.

Local quinoa

Although the vast majority of quinoa originates from Peru or Bolivia, its cultivation is beginning to have a presence in Spain. It is estimated that this year there will be more than 12.000 hectares of crops with a yield of between 3 and 6 thousand kg per hectare. A large part destined for the production of feed exists production for human consumption.

The great advantage of this crop is that, once acclimatized, it is resistant to drought and is not very demanding in fertilizer. Furthermore, its great resistance to low and high temperatures is perfect for areas such as Andalusia and Castilla León where its cultivation is becoming established.
