Home Waters and soft drinks I reject added sugars, what are they and why avoid them?

I reject added sugars, what are they and why avoid them?

It's important to know What ingredients they carry the food we eat. In the end, a balanced and correct diet is the first big step to be able to have a Healthy life. And that is why there are more and more people who avoid consuming foods that contain undesirable components at all costs. There are products that incorporate sugar in an intrinsic way, but there are so many others to which even more is added. This causes a great rejection added sugars by people who want to control their glucose intake. But do you know what they are and why avoid them? Let's find out!

What are added sugars?

Before getting into the matter, let's understand what they are. Sugars are a type of carbohydrate that can either be found naturally in certain foods, or it can be added. In the case of the former, we could include, as a clearer example, the fruit. Some say that consuming it can even be dangerous to health; Nothing is further from reality. Not only is it not a risk, but also the amount of benefits that it brings is unimaginable.

Yes, there are sugars that can be harmful, and that is the case of added sugars, which are those that, during the elaboration or preparation of the products, are added in a artificial. And what does this imply? A higher caloric intake and little nutritional value. In other words, an inappropriate intake and not recommended by health authorities.

For example, the American Heart Association recommends that children and adolescents limit your consumption added sugars to less than six teaspoons per day and that they do not drink more than 240 milliliters of sugary drinks a week. The WHO also suggests limiting the intake of these products as much as possible. 

rejection of added sugars
The health problems that they can bring cause the rejection of added sugars

The rejection of these components

In fact, it seems that the councils of the large health entities have more and more effect, because the rejection of added sugars it is more latent. Why this move? Many of the people who follow him have some concern about his health and, consequently, by its eating. A diet containing large amounts of these substances can lead to enfermedades heart disease, weight gain, malnutrition, diabetes, unnecessary calorie intake ... 

In fact, for the WHO an improvement in global nutrition would lie in, along with the added sugar guidelines, “other guidelines on nutrients and other dietary goals, especially those related to fat and fatty acids (particularly saturated and trans), to guide the formulation of effective public health policies related to nutrition and the development of programs that promote a healthy diet".

In what foods are added sugars found?

The truth is that they can be found in more products than perhaps you can imagine. The most obvious are the Soft drinks, drinks energetic or fruit juices. Also they pastry, cookies, candies or ice cream contains large amounts of added sugars. But in addition, sauces, some breads or craft chocolates also. Even foods that are presented as healthy - some cereal bars, cookies healthy or flavored dairy products - pick up more sugar than they should.

rejection of added sugars
Buns and cakes contain lots of added sugars

How to identify them

Now that we know what foods contain them, the question is in know how to identify them at the supermarket. The best option for them is to look at the list of ingredients. But something happens that surely has ever happened to you: the list is so long and with so many names that you don't even understand that, in the end, you don't know what the product is made of. To identify the added sugars you should pay attention to words like:

  • Corn sweetener
  • Corn syrup
  • Molasses, fructose, glucose, sucrose, dextrose ...

All of them are indicators that, indeed, there is more sugar than it should naturally carry. The solution is to try to replace those foods with too many sugars for others that do not have them or that have less. Try to drink water instead of sodas, 100% natural fruit juices instead of those bought in the supermarket, fruit-based desserts instead of cakes or sweets ...

In short, you should try to join that rejection of added sugars in order to have a healthier and more conscious diet. Are you aware of this issue? Did you know what those mentioned ingredients were?
