Home Ham and sausages The Iberian and the rules, what a mess!

The Iberian and the rules, what a mess!

the Iberian

We have a mess with him Iberian. The sectoral regulations allows naming and labeling as a product Iberian to all those pieces that come from the carcass of an animal with at least the 50% genetic percentage. Always corresponding to this native and differentiated Spanish pig breed, symbol of our livestock culture but also gastronomic in terms of meats. Thus, the reproductive crossing between females is legalized 100% Iberian and males in all or part of the North American race Duroc. Here we explain a little better what the problem is with this matter.

Because by the same rule, it is determined that the females managed in these crosses, in addition to accrediting the highest degree of genetic purity, must be registered in the exclusive Genealogical book of the Iberian pig breed. But are all these parameters always met? What is the current situation?

Legislation allows an animal with 50% purity to be called Iberian

For the verification and legitimation of the pedigree of these breeders, in 1987 the Ministry of Agriculture went to the Spanish Association of Iberian Pig Breeders (Aeceriber). It is a company based in the town of Zafra (Badajoz). Since that year, it has also officially monopolized the subsequent registration in the aforementioned census file.

This entity, a collaborator of the administration, is a recognized figure as a purebred cattle association. Among its main objectives is "the defense of Iberian pig pure. Also guarantee the certification of the racial purity of all the reproducers registered in the Genealogical Book ”.

The human eye is used to certify the purity of the females

Since a time ago aceriber has jumped to the forefront of news news. The methods used to carry out these surveys are questioned. Since to guarantee the maximum genetic purity of 431.000 breeding mothers incorporated into the Genealogical Book (they cover 80% of the total census) it only uses the human eye.

A simple visual review of preset body regions. These are of very proven commercial valuation and they consider that it is sufficient.

Thus, aceriber decrees how 100% Iberian females these breeders. To further aggravate this circumstance, they do not have known parents. Nor are they subjected to analysis of your genetic DNA in a manifest case of comparative tort. As for all males - without exception - both requirements are mandatory.

The recognition of these artificial racial classifications is contained in a press release issued by the company itself. aceriber. In an unequivocal way, it is ensured that “belonging as a reproductive female to the annexed section of the Genealogical Book of the Iberian pig breed it does not guarantee in any case 100% racial purity ».

«Females included in the auxiliary registry are not considered in any case 100% Iberian females or purebred females. Only those belonging to the main section. Whose parents and grandparents are registered or registered in the Genealogical Book of the same breed ”.

This auxiliary module came into operation two decades after the creation of the primitive census file. It violates the community norms that stipulate in all Genealogical Books of livestock breeds. Since they must mention the ancestors of the animals registered there.

A fraud that consumers pay and that the sector will pay in the future

La admitted lack of guarantee of genetic purity of almost the entire census of the reproductive mothers of the Iberian breed reveals a fraud. That of food quality, for the meat pieces obtained from the carcass of a specimen. The one that was born through a selective reproductive cross between these “Iberian” females and stallions of the North American Duroc breed.

They will never own the percentage of the 50% Iberian breed. This is the minimum amount required to be able to use the advantageous racial name. Also the commercial of the Iberian, as certified by their labels.

Great Products has contacted aceriber but they have declined to make new statements on this matter. The invoice is currently supported by a uninformed and manipulated consumer. In a proven way, pay a overpriced for a ham that has been obtained from an animal that does not belong to the Iberian breed. It is a fraud, but the one who will truly pay the bill and the consequences of this crazy and arbitrary regulation will be the sector and the Iberian brand. The recovery of prestige will be more costly in both time and money.
