Home News Nanotechnology comes to the kitchen

Nanotechnology comes to the kitchen

surely the word Nanotecnology Sounds like pure science fiction to you. However, this science does not only apply to the latest costumes. Iron man. The Nanotecnology it can hit kitchens all over the world much sooner than you think. We tell you here!

Nanotechnology at your table

Much has been said about the evolution that the kitchen has had in recent years. The ways of creating dishes and of innovate in restaurants and gastronomy all over the world. Haute cuisine constantly includes new options and ways to prepare the most surprising delicacies, making innovation blend perfectly with the availability food. The latest news is the Nanotecnology.

But…what does this consist of? new technological breakthrough? Basically the Nanotecnology is understanding and manipulation of matter at scales microscopic or nano. Currently, scientists can create structures by rearranging the atoms of an object, thus generating nuevos materials. With this, the result obtained can be more resistant, of a different color or with more beneficial characteristics.

Representation of nanotechnology modifying a liquid
Representation of nanotechnology modifying a liquid | Source: Pixabay

And it is the latter that can be most related to the more. can be improved foods for ourselves thanks to the Nanotecnology. And its benefits are quite compelling. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to create foods that contain less fat without losing their flavor, or to manufacture more nutrients for foods that might not otherwise contain vitamins. And all this without endangering our health, because the Nanotecnology es harmless for our organism.

Solutions that are already being carried out

As much as it may seem, the Nanotecnology it is not something that is yet to come. It's a technology present in various markets and companies. As of today, improvements and modifications are being applied to food and surplus to achieve a more sustainable present and a more complete diet. thanks to these advances, you can improve the quality of our food without sacrificing taste.

Coca-Cola will start using nanotechnology to reduce its CO2 emissions
Coca-Cola will start using nanotechnology to reduce its CO2 emissions | Source: Pixabay

One of the companies who is starting to use this technology to his advantage is Coca Cola. With its proposal to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by 2040, has partnered with the University of California at Berkeley. Its objective is to use the CO2 emissions from its factories and transform, thanks to the use of Nanotecnology and other techniques, all polluting emissions in glucose with which to make his famous drink, or fuel and even medicines.

La Nanotecnology applied to food has to offer enormous benefits to the industry and the consumer. Most of the research in this field within the food sector are oriented to improve the health of food. This will always be considered a good news, especially with such interesting environmental initiatives as that of Coca-Cola. it will be worth it mantener one eye on the evolution of these projects.

The future of nanotechnology

There is no doubt that this advance is one of the greatest innovations on the ground of the gastronomic engineering. Undoubtedly, most of us will be aware of its progress, because although initiatives have already emerged very interesting With this science, you still have a long way to go. Without going any further, Coca-Cola's plan goes back 18 years from now, which gives us an idea of ​​the slowness of this process.

Representation of advances in nanotechnologies research
Representation of advances in nanotechnologies research | Source: Pixabay

However, it is a future that is already fully entering our present, with more and more production methods and culture of food they drink from advances scientific and technological. Not in vain, our species has managed to master the secrets of many types of food and culinary techniques for the enjoyment and enjoyment of our palates. Without a doubt, the Nanotecnology It's one of the new innovations to keep an eye on.

But tell us, what do you think of this new way of modifying food? Would you try a modified steak on a microscopic scale?
