Home Beverages The best ways to chill a beer

The best ways to chill a beer


Would you like chill a beer without endless waits? If you can't wait for the fridge to do it, you're interested in reading this article. Below we propose different ways to achieve it in record time. What is the most speed boat tour? Can you cool one in the microwave oven? Can the shawl cool it down in two minutes? Get ready to change your summers forever.

How many ways can I chill a beer?

Again ... You come home from the supermarket sweating. You have just packed the supplies for the entire legion of diners waiting in the living room. To liven up the wait a bit while you cook, you take out some beers. Surprise! Is it so hot. Nothing happens, since there are very simple and very varied solutions. The repertoire is broader than you imagine.

frosted beer bottles
frosted beer bottles / Source Pixabay

Water, ice and salt

Pouring ice and beer into the same glass doesn't fit anyone's head. However, it can be an excellent ally if you use it in a basin full of water. In addition to these two ingredients you will need shawl. Yes, come out! Ice alone is not enough. It may seem shocking, but salt has the ability to cool water even more. In this way, it makes the ice last longer. The reaction is due to a question chemistry. We hope your brain doesn't explode.

The second law of thermodynamics states that "two substances with different temperatures reach thermal equilibrium between them." By mixing salt and some we obtain a endothermic reaction. That is, the dissolved salt absorbs the heat from the can. In this way the cold of the ice manages to pass faster into the water, thus cooling it. Thanks to chemistry you will be able to lower fifteen degrees to beer in two minutes!

cool a beer in a bowl
Chilling a beer in a bowl / Source: Pixabay

The freezer

Without a doubt, it is the most basic and the least original. It never fails and is fast. Its biggest drawback is minimally control time that carry the cans or bottles inside. Failure to do so can explode these and cause a regrettable mess. This is more frequent than it seems a priori. So the group forgets some things when they start drinking and they have a good time. In these cases someone realizes the catastrophe once there is no going back. Cleaning a freezer is not mucus.

The frozen glasses

We are facing a thorny issue. The most brewers purists they can cry out to heaven just by thinking about it. Pouring the contents of a can or bottle into a cold pitcher can cause quite a bit of foam. The beer will not be exactly the same as if you drink it hot or wait for it to sit in the supermarket. However, you can't get everything every time. Maybe it is not the best for a craft beer or one that is not easy to find.

ice cubes / Source: Pixabay

Compressed air

You can use the compressed air canisters used to clean cameras, computers ... The key to these sprays is the low temperature of the bottom of the container. Not everyone has one at home. However, if you have one and are in a hurry, this can do you a great favor.


This method is really widespread. It is simple and fast. It goes straight to the point. It consists of lightly surrounding a bottle or can with some napkins. After that you wet them and add some shawl. They will be ready to drink after only five minutes in the freezer.

In the microwave!

You have not read wrong. A company created by Argentines has succeeded. Chill it is capable of chilling a beer in Thirty seconds! As if that weren't enough, take a 70% less electricity than a traditional fridge. Its creators still continue their search for financing, so it is not yet manufactured. They claim that they realized that many sales are lost in developing countries where there are not always means to cool. With this microwave, waste could be avoided.

In short

To sum up, there are methods to bore. We encourage you to innovate and find new ones. Of course, always with caution. We do not recommend drinking beer while driving liquid nitrogen. It may not be a good idea. Now that you know our suggestions, you can use the one that best suits you and your circumstances. Surprise your friends.
