Home Salt, spices and aromatic herbs Salt the Himalayas, is it worth the cost?

Salt the Himalayas, is it worth the cost?

Many people buy Salt of the Himalayas at the price of gold. They claim that it turns their dishes into authentic delicatessen healthy. However, there is no solid evidence to demonstrate the multiple benefits attributed to this mineral. Then we leave you the data so you can decide if it is worth paying this quote pink powder. 

The highest mountain range in the world arose from the movement of tectonic plates in the Mesozoic. Two plates collided between the indian subcontinent and the plateau of Tibet. Both have collided 65 million years constantly squeezing. That is why earthquakes are frequent in the area. In fact, the mountains continue to rise (albeit at a very slow rate).

Himalayan salt on a plate
Himalayan salt on a plate

Why is there salt in the Himalayas?

The presence of salt in these mountains is justified by tectonic movements. When the Indian subcontinent broke away from AfricaAfter the Pangea rupture, it moved north. The ocean that there was where the mountain range emerged evaporated. That is why today we find the most valued salt. The largest reserve of pink salt is in Pakistan. While it is true that there are important mines in Australia, Murray, Peru and Maras, none equals it. The mine khewra It is located at the base of the mountain range and produces 350.000 tons every year. This was built in the middle of nineteenth century by the British.

Valley in the Himalayas

Is Himalayan Salt Really That Good?

There are not a few who attribute large benefits to its consumption. Since regulating the ph of cells to repair the muscle damage, through increased libido. There are as many unproven benefits as there are sources that claim them. These suggest that it is beneficial for the circulatory system. They also point to the reduction in levels of sugar blood.

What is the basis for this thesis? The presumed benefits are discussed due to the composition of salt. Nutritionist Marta Lorenzo highlights its minerals beyond sodium. This is rich in sulfate of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, iodine, fluorine, zinc, chromium, cobalt y copper. At first glance it looks like a superfood.

Jar with pink salt
Jar with pink salt

However, the consumption of salt is done in very high doses. reduced. Its effect cannot be noticed. To notice it you would have to take a whole salt shaker at once. This option is not only not palatable but also harmful.

Very expensive

The scientific community points to 84 minerals as responsible for the pink color. However, these only constitute around the 2% of salt. Hence we talk about the very low proportion. It is because of the belief that these minerals help us that the price is so high. In Mercadona, Himalayan salt costs 6,80 euros per kilo. The fine iodized salt (which is marina) cost 0'24 euros! The customer does not pay for the salt, he pays for much more. In Amazon it is even more expensive.

In the case of sea salt, it is extracted by letting the sea water evaporate in large shallow lagoons. Salt does not have to travel far from the coast to any inland province. Instead, the Salt of the Himalayas it has to be transported from another continent. The ships that carry it cost money and emit greenhouse gases. Another part of the price is explained by the sensation of health that it brings to the consumer. Not to mention the aesthetics of the product.

Salt shaker filled with Himalayan salt
Salt shaker filled with Himalayan salt


The dishes stand out more striking with this salt because we are used to white. That is why any dish seasoned with it seems to be high kitchen. You also pay for the good taste. If you try it, you will probably appreciate how it is more salty. Therefore you need a little less quantity than sea salt. It is recommended for Red meat and even the high price paid makes it taste better.

If you are still willing or willing to pay 6'80 instead of 0'20 for a kilo of salt you have to take something into account. As good as you think it is, abusing it carries risks. High salt intake is linked to problems with high blood pressure. This can contribute to heart attacks to the heart or brain. Even heart failure.

In addition, the abuse of this has been related to diseases such as osteoporosis, kidney stones, worsening of asthma and even with some types of cancer. We leave it to your choice to pay the difference in price for this Himalayan salt. If you buy it, do not abuse looking for minerals. You can get scared.
