Home News How to end food waste

How to end food waste

A list of new habits, ways of working and relating appear with the pandemic that we are suffering. The sustainability and the environment They are on the list of media experts who tell us about issues we should reflect on and improve on these days. Also a greater solidarity and humanity It seems that the subjects we have learned are the most important. So has the time come to get serious about fighting food waste? With what means and resources can we face this global problem? Be careful because you can also collaborate!

The Food Waste Numbers

The figures are getting worse against the food waste. In Spain, for example, they have thrown a 9% more food in 2019 than in 2018, wasting 1.400 million kilos. Households still manage this worst in the entire food chain with a Present in several = 43% of waste. It is followed by the industry and producers with a Present in several = 38%. Commerce and restaurants waste 9 and 10% respectively. They have the lowest percentages, so the crux of the matter is in your own homes, above all.

In the case of households, the Present in several = 82% of the food that is thrown away has neither been opened nor partially consumed. The most popular foods are mostly fruits, vegetables and dairy products. It is surprising that it is still the middle and lower-middle class who discard the most food.


Environmental sustainability

The fight against food waste it also has a lot to do with the environment. We must know that the food system consumes the Present in several = 30% of the energy available around the world. Two thirds of this energy is consumed in the transport, processing and packaging of food.

At the water level, food waste has a footprint equivalent to the entire flow of the Volga river all year round, that is to say something more than 250 cubic km. In Spain we waste 169 kilos of food per inhabitant per year, this means that almost a quarter of the total water we consume is used to grow food that nobody eats. In terms of greenhouse gases they are released 3.300 million tons of gases, a Present in several = 10% of the total, which could be avoided if the management were excellent.

An ethical problem

Economically, they are lost or thrown away more than 900 billion dollars all over the world. This represents a Present in several = 25% of the food that is produced. The FAO calculate that in Spain We throw almost eight million tons of food products into the trash every year. However, more than a billion people around the world continue to suffer from hunger and in developed countries there is an increasing Social inequality, which produces an increase in poverty.

Simple plan you can follow

Undoubtedly, this problem is solved by being aware of it and marking a few strategies that help improve our food management. These are some of the ideas:

  • Make a responsible purchase after checking your refrigerator.
  • Buy only what you need. Think before you buy is the best way to save.
  • Consume the food in order of expiration and keep the refrigerator tidy and clean.
  • Cook the appropriate portions, do not make portions that you are not going to eat.
  • Be very vigilant about the conservation of fruits and vegetables. Especially in the hot months.
  • Learn some recipes to take advantage of food scraps.
  • In restaurants, ask to take the food that you do not consume.

In the case of producers and businesses, simply by marketing fruits and vegetables that are not perfect to look at, we would avoid more than one Present in several = 10% of waste from this part of the food chain. This commercialization is already carried out in many European supermarkets where they have a section of "imperfect" fruits and vegetables.

food waste
Egg, tomato and vegetables

Technology can help us

Lately there have been some mobile apps that can help us fight against food waste and also favor our economy. In general, they are applications that allow you to find food from restaurants or establishments with very special prices before they discard them. Among these we find Too good to go, Geev, Tapper and weSAVEeat.

It is important to take a first step and even if we cannot eradicate this problem from our lives, we can change the trend. Do you get on the battle tank in this battle for a more careful and respectful diet that alleviates the food waste?
