Home Gastronomy How you should handle food well

How you should handle food well

With the heat already very present in our day to day and with the increase in temperatures also increases the risk of food poisoning. It is true that they do not happen only in summer but it is the time of year with the highest risk of products being put into disrepair. Here we want to give you some tips on how handle food well to avoid ingesting bacteria, fungi or other pathogens. Now that the coronavirus has humanity so concerned, you must take even more precautions. Pay close attention to what we recommend here!

Be very careful when buying

It is important to separate the different types of food on the market. The frozen they must be in good condition. Do not buy those that apparently have not respected the Cold chain, that is to say that they drip or have two types of freezing, for example. Make sure the expiration date is wide, you must be aware of it. Frozen products should be the last to be purchased and shipped with isothermal bags, especially in the summer times.

For its part, food Fresh they must have good appearance and without tears that facilitate contamination. Canned goods should not be swollen, bruised or rusty. Although the expiration date is usually long, it is important to review it. Once at home, the priority is to place the frozen ones in the cold first (unless they are going to be consumed and, therefore, you want to leave them in the fridge). It is important to facilitate their freezing and do not stack all the food. We must be aware of what is in the freezer and place the oldest ones in accessible places, so that are consumed before than the new ones.

Finally, in the refrigerator the fresh products will go in the lower part and the rest of the food in the upper trays. It would be convenient, from time to time, to check that the temperature of the device does not exceed 4º C. With figures less than or equal to that, it is enough to keep everything in excellent condition, while too cold can be counterproductive.

the best ice creams in Mercadona
Mercadona ice cream / Photo: montage Iván Sevilla

Remember to keep a good cleaning

All the hygienic standards they are the most important. In most cases, handle food well it also depends on this step. It intervenes as a vehicle for the transmission of the contamination. Recurrent and correct hand washing is very important. Simply using soap and water, giving it twenty seconds, is enough.

With regards to cleaning the products, pay special attention to vegetables and fruits. They should be sanitized with plenty of water and even if the food is later peeled. Some like mushrooms They should not be cleaned with water, but you should be careful and use a clean cloth to remove all impurities. You must use a vegetable brush to clean those with firm skin, such as carrots, potatoes, pumpkins ...

The cutting utensils and tables they should be cleaned every time a cut is just made. Soap and water or disinfectant should be used. It is advisable to use two different tables: one for vegetables and one for meat and fish. If textile kitchen towels are used, they must be washed and sanitized very frequently. They are usually a perfect place for the accumulation of pathogens.

handle food well
Cutting board and meat

Handle food well: meat and fish

In preparing food, handle foods like meat and fish well in the same cutting boards is essential because other places can be sources of contamination. Use a variety of well-sanitized surfaces. Do not forget, before or after handling, the meat or fish outside the refrigerator. If the time exceeds two hours, the risk of contamination can be high.

Preparation and further use of food

It is very important to ensure that the cooking temperature reaches all parts of the food. This is a way to remove all toxicity in food. You must be careful with raw products, especially with eggs, meat and fish. The latter can acquire the famous anisakis, but we also remind you that the salmonellosis it is one of the greatest dangers in sfood avalanche.

What to do with the leftovers?

You must go on four simple rules to manage what you have left over respecting how to handle food well:

-First, avoid being long time on the plate without being consumed. We must minimize this time.

-Cold food quickly and in a clean container.

-Do not consume food from more than five days.

-Finally, reheat before consuming the food to a temperature higher than the 70ºC and boiling in the case of sauces and liquids.

Reuse and refreeze

All the  Meats and fish thawed in the refrigerator can be refrozen before or after cooking. In the case of defrosting in the microwave, they must be cooked before being frozen again.

And in the reuse of oils or vinegars used in curing or maceration, they must be cooked before reuse. We remind you that It is not highly recommended reuse oil. Every time the oil is heated to high temperatures, its structure alters and degrades. From the second use it begins to generate substances his harmful to health. Keep this in mind!

Follow all these recommendations to handle food well and prevents food poisoning that, in times of coronavirus, You should avoid with greater effort!
