Home Salt, spices and aromatic herbs The maximum daily salt you can take

The maximum daily salt you can take

La shawl It is present in many of the preparations that we consume daily. An abuse of this can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, therefore, it is important to moderate your intake, know the maximum recommended daily salt and take into account a series of guidelines that we are going to give you today. Read on to discover them.

¿What is the maximum daily salt of a person?

Abusing salt can be dangerous and cause us fluid retention or cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults consume 5 grams of salt per day (2 grams of sodium), which is equivalent to a teaspoon of tea. Meanwhile, in people who are hypertensive, that dose drops by half.

However, salt has many benefits as well. Some of them are regulate body fluids, participate in nerve conduction and assist in the absorption of glucose in the intestine. Also, salt has added iodine, a mineral that participates in many functions of the body, such as the balance of hormones, especially thyroid hormone.

Maximum daily salt
Salt | Source: Clinicauandes.cl

Tips to reduce salt intake

Although tips that we are going to give you are relatively obvious, carrying them out can significantly help you reduce your daily consumption. What in the future your body will thank you.

Firstly, don't leave the salt shaker on the table. This can get your attention and end up unconsciously kicking you out. In second place, add salt at the end of each preparation, and not during the process. In this way you will better control the amount thrown. Finally, if you eat food in preserve or canned, rinse before eating. With this you will reduce the salt of the product.

Maximum daily salt
Salt flakes | Source: Losultramarinos.org

Following these tips and taking into account the daily maximum salt you will choose to eat a healthier diet. Did you know the WHO recommendation? And any of the guidelines that we have given you?
