Home News Certification for FoodXain products

Certification for FoodXain products

The demand for information from customers and consumers is increasingly demanding. To meet these requirements, producers or processors both of drinks as foods they should try harder. Now, that task becomes easier for the buyer thanks to the certification for FoodXain products. Through the use of tecnología blockchainFrom now on it is possible to know in an instant if what has been acquired corresponds to its quality and true origin. You only need one smartphone in hand to verify this information. Recently released, this technological solution It is intended to be one more help in different aspects. We tell you how it is and how it works below!

The demand of the consumer

At agri-food market It is increasingly important to provide as much information as possible about a product. The consumer is particularly interested in knowing the characteristics, the the origin and nutritional content of a food or drink. Therefore, there is a commitment of the trademarks to give all these data on the packaging.

Aspects such as a de quality and traceability, production sustainable financing model or fair payment to the farmer they gain more and more force. When it comes to buying something, the demand is high. But with tools like the new one certification for products FoodXain the advantages run both ways. In that of the producer and in that of the buyer.

FoodXain logo
FoodXain Logo

This is the certification for FoodXain products

This novel recently launched bets on creating value, transparency and trust in the agri-food product. How? Allowing producers to show all their certificates, as well as responsibilities with customers. For example, eco, environmental footprint, halal, kosher or animal welfare seals as WelfairTM. Also belongings to D.O. or IGP.

By tecnología blockchain, these badges are validated by the corresponding entities. This is an advantage for them to power digitize, in a secure and immutable way, your labels. In addition, for processors, the certification for FoodXain products brings a adding value to what they are selling. Above all, because they can offer the client the most demanded information, but also of another type: access to social mediaa promotion concrete program Loyalty, etc.

certification for FoodXain products
Two people verifying with their mobile using FoodXain

It is even a very useful tool for companies to gain customer trust. extranjero, the use of foodxain It is very simple.

How does FoodXain work?

In the hands of the consumer, FoodXain it is a very easy to use service. Knowing more and better a food or a bottle to be bought is already possible. All thanks to the reader of QR codes that any smartphone has today. By scanning the code on the container label the information on seals and certificates is obtained, without the possibility of deception.

Many symbols or badges can be falsify without too much effort to sell something with a supposed quality that, in reality, the content does not deserve. This in terms of quality, but the example can be extended to other aspects. From now on, by using this certification for FoodXain products, that will not happen. Healing in security and confidence is possible.
