Home Fruits and vegetables Food against headaches

Food against headaches

The origin of the headache there can be many causes. Often the Stress, the poor quality of the dream or the lack of blood sugar are factors that cause this ailment. Also hormonal factors such as menstruation they can generate it. Now you know what headache foods work well? Although there is no cause effect That determines that by eating some products or others you will be able to eliminate the pain, it is clear that there are substances that affect and it is preferable to reduce from your diet if you suffer from these problems on a recurring basis.

One of the components responsible for this ailment and present in many foods is the Histamine. This is metabolized by an enzyme that is present in our small intestine. A determining factor to avoid headache is having a balanced diet and thus low histamine levels. That is, a diet rich in vitamins, unsaturated fats, phosphorus and magnesium. We are going to see which products are rich in this substance and others that, due to some other components, can cause headaches.

Food against headaches

Due to its high content of vitamins and water, cucumber is a very positive ingredient. So is lettuce and especially spinach due to its high content of minerals and vitamins of group B. Fruits such as pineapple, watermelon and cherries they are very balanced for this ailment as they provide very interesting vitamins and minerals. Within the nuts we can consume almonds as they are rich in salitic acid. Walnuts are also interesting for their contribution of minerals.


As for fish, the Fish blue for its high level in Omega-3. That is, fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, etc. Other products are sesame seeds or quinoa for its levels of arginine and minerals such as magnesium. Also the spicy that comes from peppers It is advisable, in moderation, as well as some infusions that regulate blood pressure. The Coffee and tea They can be positive for their contribution of caffeine and theine, but in smaller amounts and depending on the person and their pain. You must be careful with its consumption, yes.

Avoid these foods

In general, foods rich in histamine and therefore to avoid are all foods that contain alcohol. Also the Citrus and dairy products. Within meat and sausages, avoid all those that have Saturated fats, as well as the processed meats. If you cannot eliminate consumption, reduce it.



As for fruits, in addition to the citrus group, the Avocados for having a high level of histamines. The nuts less advisable for this ailment are peanuts, replace them with alternative ones.

Now you know what headache foods you can eat and which ones you can't. If you are ever unaware of the source of your ailment, it may have something to do with what you've eaten.
