Home Meat Meet the Mallorcan black pig

Meet the Mallorcan black pig

Black pig

It is the only indigenous pig breed of Mallorca. One of the few of Spain which is in a state of conservation. Although it is listed in Danger of extinction. This is the Majorcan Black Pig, a completely black breed exclusive to this island.

Its origin is believed to be a mixture of Iberian pig and other races of origin Celtic. The geographic region it occupies and the color of its coat justifies its designation as Majorcan black race. It is the only native of the swine species on the island that gives it its name.

At present, the conservation of this breed is based on the use of its meat for the production of high quality products. An example is the Sobrasada de Mallorca with Mallorcan Black Pork (Protected Geographical Indication). Also the Majorcan Black Pig Suckling Pig.

Although the fresh meat, the typical sausages of the island and the lard also stand out. They are increasingly present in the market, both insular and international.

And it is that the Balearic archipelago does not only offer history, landscapes and customs. It also offers residents and tourists an ancestral gastronomic culture rooted in the territory and the way of understanding life. Thus, its products are faithfully linked to the land and its roots. This imbues them with a stamp of identity based on authenticity, quality and tradition that make them unique.

This is the black pig of Mallorca

La Mallorquin Black Pork meat, of a color of a reddish and dark color, it is one of the healthiest and most tasty in the world. As shown by different studies carried out by the Department of Agriculture Balearic. Through the Balearic Institute of Animal Biology (IBABSA) and the Institute of Research and Agrifood Technology of Catalonia (IRTA).

According to his studies, black pig from Mallorca it has high percentages of unsaturated intramuscular fat (17%). In addition to considerable amounts of oleic fatty acids (the type of fats that olive oil contains). It considerably exceeds the content of this type of healthy fat compared to other breeds.

The benefits provided by these characteristics and own qualities are transferred to all food products derived from the black pig. In this way, their quality is corroborated.

This animal is lop-eared, weighs approximately 150 kg and measures between 70 and 80 centimeters. It is raised using a semi-extensive system. Receive select food and care. In his field trips he takes advantage of the products of the land such as acorns and, in addition, he is fed with figs. These give the meat a particular flavor, almost sweet.

El Majorcan Black Pig was one of the first domestic animals to be established in the Balearic Islands. According to different authors, this breed constitutes one of the most primitive groupings of animals. It has remained in productive operation until today due to the great impact it has had on the family economy.

Sobrasada from Mallorca

La sobrassada from here is the most characteristic sausage on the island. It is made from finely minced pork seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika. Next, the dough is stuffed and the curing phase begins in the dryers. There the controlled temperature and humidity produce a series of changes. These provide the product with the peculiar characteristics of aroma, flavor, consistency, color and stability.

A product with Protected PGI

In the 1996 European Union gave this sausage the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). The Sobrasada from Mallorca It has two types of warranty labels, the one that identifies it from the black pig and the one that protects. An indigenous breed of the island that differs from the Iberian pig in their genetics and diet.

And it is that this species, throughout the ninety days before slaughter, only feeds on barley, legumes and figs. Hence its differentiation in characteristics and flavor.

The traditional way of consuming Sobrasada from Mallorca It consists of spreading it on a slice of bread. In addition, it has multiple variants, since you can add honey, sugar or apricot jam.

It is generally presented in pieces of 500 g of medium weight and since 2014 they can be marketed in any traditional presentation. It has a numbered back label on the wrapping paper or on the thread.

Other typical sausages

En Mallorca, the pork has predominance over the rest of meats. Its traditional massacres have been part of the island's culture since ancient times.

In addition to the product plus identifier of Mallorca (The sobrassada), other types of sausages are made from the meat of this species. Among them are the botifarrones, camaiot and sausages. These are essential in most of the traditional dishes of your kitchen and in your most important festivals.

However, the sobrassada it has always been present in the traditional Mallorcan cookbook. In this way it is included in many of their dishes. In addition, this product has known how to adapt to the times.

Great chefs on the island's gastronomic scene have incorporated it into their most current cuisine. In fact, the gastronomic possibilities of sobrasada are endless. It is one of the main ingredients in the preparation of meat dishes, vegetables, fish and even in some desserts.

The red secret of sobrasada

It can be found hanging and strung forming red curtains on the facades of many balconies on the island. It is an exclusive variety of Majorca: el pebre bord (or paprika) of tap of Cortí. It is responsible for the taste, color and preservation of the most famous sausage in Majorca.

This product is essential for island cuisine and has been cultivated for centuries in the island's villages. Traditionally, once the peppers were harvested, they were 'lined up' (joined by a rope) and put in the sun. They were thus hanging from the facades.

It seemed that a rabid red 'curtain' decorated the streets of many towns. A postcard from yesteryear that is now being recovered little by little. Once dry, it is baked in the oven to remove any traces of moisture and ground to the stone.

Due to its antioxidant and preservative qualities, it is one of the main ingredients in the elaboration of the famous leftover

Tradition recovered

In recent years some groups have managed to recover the autochthonous variety of the pebre edge of tap of Cortí. This came to the island in the XNUMXth century from America. Bill Archduke Luis Salvador praised the properties of this product produced in Mallorca in front of the one who came from outside.

Houses of Santa Maria del Camí, Sant Jordi or Pòrtol they continue to cover themselves with red curtains of pebre bord. An image that recalls past times and that has been recovered thanks to the efforts of organizations such as Slow Food Balearics.
