Home Seafood Unique fish available to everyone

Unique fish available to everyone


Every day we hear recommendations about the importance of carrying a healthy, balanced and varied diet. In it, no doubt, the fish It is one of the most advisable proteins due to its great nutritional value. However, the lifestyle we lead does not always help us to incorporate these good habits and Fish in our day to day.

It is in these circumstances that such versatile products appear as sea ​​bream, sea bass and croaker de "Raising of Our Seas". They can become a great alternative for consumption, very useful to guarantee the supply of valuable nutrients.

These fish according to Beatriz Beltrán

This is suggested by the Doctor in Pharmacy from the UCM of Madrid. She is the Director of the Master in Nutrition and Culinary Dietetics in Gastronomy of the UCM. Her name is Beatriz Beltrán and this is how she explains this:

“Fish have nutritional properties that make them very important foods within the pattern of the Mediterranean diet. Model of what is considered a balanced and heart-healthy diet. Not only for its contribution of fatty acids but also of other micronutrients. We must not forget the high palatability of these foods. For this they must be cooked properly. This is something that gives fish an undeniable gastronomic value ”.

It is certainly about Fish unique in its category. The fish from 'Crianza de Nuestro Mares' they maintain a regular price all year round. Not only can they guarantee a continuous and regular supply of nutrients. Among them, the one as highly valued as omega 3.

There are also its qualities, at the level of texture and the firmness of its interior or its juiciness. All this makes them great allies for the preparation of succulent and nutritious alternatives to include in our diet.

Another advantage that makes the Fish de 'Breeding of Our Seas' it is their striking seal that they carry in the operculum that covers the gills. With this we can easily distinguish the sea ​​bream, sea bass and croaker that have been raised on our shores. Which means maximum freshness because, "the closer, the cooler."
